Chapter nine: A date and death

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Ya Allah, have mercy on my two friend's soul "al-ameen and Mahmoud" and my two uncle's soul and aunty too " uncle abbas, uncle bala and aunty kulu" grant them the highest rank in jannah and the rest of Muslim ummah too.

Chapter nine

Ring ring!

Ring ring!

Ring... "hey babe" kulthum called through the phone breathing heavily due to how she runs downstairs to pick up the call

"What!? What's wrong? Why are you breathing like that?" he spiel worriedly

"No I am good it's just that I moved swiftly so that I won't missed the call that's all"

"Please babe be careful, don't stress out okay?"

"alright, I will watch out next time"

"Get ready, Jonathan will come to pick you up in the next thirty minutes" he calmly said like a loud whisper

"what's wrong? Are we going somewhere?" she said confusingly

"sometimes I used to wonder what kind of a wife you are. Like seriously! Today is our first year anniversary kulthum!"

Before he said another word she gasped and hold her mouth innocently "I am sorry hammad, I forgot. But let me go get ready right now" "and..." he called " yes" she answered "please don't run, just act harmlessly" she giggled and nodded with a uhnm sound and hanged up.

Just she was about to move fast to the kitchen and disconnect the rice cooker that she heard it's fully cooked noise, hammad's voice ringed in her ears and she started to walk quietly chuckling like a child.

Hammad has always been a caring husband, his wife is always his first priority, and well, about her health, she's improving and everything is at a rate of hundred. The last time she got a seizure was on their third month anniversary and that too didn't took long or caused them to go to the hospital, he just dragged her first-aid box and brought out the injection that was meant for emergency and that was all. As for kulthum, She has been a supportive wife lately, and she always makes sure to avoid any harm or stress just as her doctor instructed and in additional, hammad was her watchman in whatsoever she does.

She quickly changed into a dark red Palazzo and a black turtle neck shirt that she stocked in with a matching belt black that suited the dressing and the way she tied up her maroon turban in a bun that even made her look elegant, she then grabbed her white Snickers that matches with the accessories she wore including her Hublot wrist watch.

"Good evening madam" Jonathan and two soldiers greeted her

"Good day" she beamed greeting them back mannerly "shall we?" Jonathan asked "yes, let's go" she said utterly

One of the two soldiers opened the door for her and she mouthed a thank you after dropping her wide black Gucci pause. They were almost at the roadside theatre Cinema when she asked for her husband and they told her that he was already there waiting for her to arrive.

They arrived shortly since the ride from Lekki to Victoria island Cinema is not that long. The door was opened by the soldiers earlier whom were her escort to wherever she is to visit.

She wandered alone to the Cinema and stopped at the popcorn joint, bringing out her phone from her pause trying to call hammad, but got startled when someone wrapped his hands around her

"It's me, calm down" he whispered to her ears while his chin was resting on her left shoulder. They possessed some minutes there in that very position waiting for their popcorn to be served.

"So, it's a popcorn date?" she spoke "well, I thought that will be want you want" he murmured to her ears making her shiver a bit "Never been to a popcorn film date but I know it will be the most romantic date of all time" he embraced his hands too moving side by side like young children

"ma'am, sir, your popcorn" the popcorn man interrupted their couple conversation

Hammad broke the hug and collected the popcorn tray with two drinks in a disposable cups, and went to the movie parlor and sat on their VVIP seat, placing the tray on the glass table in front of them. The movie started by introducing it's title which is Titanic.

"Babe! Let's go" said hammad who was laughing at how she's crying over a movie

"babe! Kulthum! People are watching us" he gently called her and she quickly looked up but her gaze met with people starring at her, she got embarrassed and buried her face in his chest

"okay let's go" he said chuckling and she fastly nodded

"really?" he mentioned laughing after coming out from the movie. She didn't say a word she just shrugged rolling her eyes in a coddle way

Okay let's get going, I still have somethings to show you"

"can't wait" she giggled jumping in his body

"Dislocate my ribs and no more surprises" he raised his brows looking at her tittering

"Ni! Wallahi na daina ( me! I am not doing again)" she stepped backward her hands up in the air

"Now let go to our second date which is your favorite" he gave out his hand for her to hold

She started to walk towards him discomfited "yes, the park!" he mentioned at last. She gasped and quickly gave him a hug

They walked to the carpark where Jonathan parked waiting for them, they entered and drove off to the Amusing park.

It has always been kulthum's daydream to visit Lagos just because of the Amusing park and beaches there. They arrived at the park and this time around hammad was the one who opened the door for her, she uttered i love you and he kissed her forehead then gave his hand for her to grab.

Their visit there was enjoyable, they rode a horse foaled by an acorn, they played several games and won almost all of them, they won two teddy bears, a SpongeBob doll and a Ben ten water gun. He bought them a candy floss and a bag of cheeses for her of course.

It was fun, kulthum was so happy considering how hammad has been a good spouse to her. She smiled and looked up to the sky and mentally said " Fabi'ayyiha la'ee rabbi kuma tu kazziban (which of Allah's favor shall we deny)"

"Are you alright?" he said slipping his palm into her's

"yes, I was just thanking my lord for making you my husband" she aforementioned in cachinnation

"I think I should be the one being grateful for such a contented wife" he brought her hand to his lips and peeked it.

"are we going home?" she said exhaling a breath of air "Yes, but I have to get something from the store at the next junction" he answered her

They were at the store but only him went inside while she was inside the car enjoying her cotton candy, her phone rang and she stopped with the candyfloss and focused on bringing out her phone from her pause. It was haleem and she gladly slide the green caller pressing the phone to her left ear.

"Autan mama on the beat" she cheerfully poke fun at him but he didn't fire back nonetheless she called saying his name again

"Kulthum!" he called her in a serious tune, though she sensed something strange but she acted normal

"What happen to your voice? Did you cry?"

"kulthum... Allah yayi wa Baba rasuwa"

Kullu nafseen za'ikatul maut ( indeed every live shall taste death). Allah kasa muyi kyakkyawar karshe, ameen!

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