Chapter Fourteen

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Sometimes it is hard to even describe how you are feeling

Chapter thirteen

“what are you doing kulthum?” hammad who was starring furiously at her asked

“setting barricades, obviously” she scoffed before blurting the unexpected

He kneeled on the bed fixing his gaze on her. He was amazed at her behavior perhaps a switched up.

“Really!”  he blurted again

“I know, I fucked up. but for the past few weeks I have devoted myself for you and you alone, I tolerated all your distinctive behaviors, I didn’t even bother to tell hajia or even Amma. Come on K, you can do better, better than this infact” he began to shout at her, picking all the new things she created including her habit towards him

She was still setting the boundaries at the center of the bed, not minding to even reply his nonsense, talk less of shouting back at him. Suddenly he dragged her shoulder angrily trying to made her focus on him not the god damn bed. And it was all that took for her to fire back instantly.

“don’t you dare, Don’t you even dare” she yelled pointing her index finger at him

“and tolerance, you said? You tolerated all my new behaviors right?” she halted and continued

“Okay Muhammad hammad Sagir. Go ahead and tell hajia and also amma that I am the bad guy here and surprisingly I will informed them all about that stupid prostitute of yours and your sex life outside your house, of course. And I swear to god if you dare to touch even a hair on my body, I will surely snap your head out of your body” she glared at him and lie down dragging her duvet

He hissed and scattered all the pillows she arranged on the bed, and of course she didn’t even bunched an inch. She off the lamp by her head and dozed off forcefully.

Zzzzzz! A phone by the bedside brower began to vibrate. It was hammad's phone. He groaned and rolled to picked up his phone.

“Hello” he called lazily placing the phone on his side face not minding to see the caller ID

“Get the hell out of your house and warn your gateman to open up…or else…” before the voice even finished yelling out hammad groaned and quickly got up on his feet, seeking for his bedroom slippers that slipped sideways. He checked sideways before going out of the house.

There was almost twenty farness between the spot he was and the gate, his gateman was sitting sipping his tea, I guess. He kept on stepping bit by bit as if he was scared to reach the gate or whatsoever. 

He opened up whereas the person that called him stepped out from one Mercedes Benz GLB250, enraged and burning as though fire bird. It was a girl with a camouflage uniform trouser and a white plain shirt, she braided her hair with a twist and her Snickers was awesome, hence shouting WOW. He swallowed a saliva perhaps the fear of not wanting his wife to caugh  him red handed or maybe his mom.

“how many times do you want me to tell not to come over?” he started to shout then suddenly kept it low looking back at his house

“Oh, so she’s inside?." She looked up to where he set his glace and turned back to him

Okay, for your own information I came to tell you that I went for a pregnancy test, and it turned out to be positive.”

He gasped the moment she spiels out pregnancy and after finishing her sentence he became all dumbfounded and scared. Although she noticed that but still she   with the details

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