Chapter twelve

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Sometimes tears is the only relief and comfort

Chapter twelve

Kulthum woke up with a heavy headache and blew out disgruntled sigh. The brightness of the space told her it was somewhere near afternoon or so. What happened yesterday made her night dreamless and totally blank, thinking of it will only make it worse.

She leapt out the stratum and made it to the bathroom that was just opposite her bed, she lifted the tap handle and plash the water to her face feeling the coldness and tasteless of it. Walking back to her bed, hammad came in with someone that had a spectacular around his neck, probably a doctor that looks familiar. They greeted and exchanged pleasantries.

“I go by the name doctor khalifa hakim and I going to be your doctor for the time being” the doctor spoke looking at the report file in his hand while hammad was by his wife

“ah…I know you’re taking care of yourself but please add more effort because right now your test shows that if you get a seizure attack once more you might probably end up getting a brain surgery which we wouldn’t like it to happen”

She was just looking at him like she was a teddy that can only be controlled by a remote and Hammad who was standing by her shoulder began to wonder if that result was hers or someone else’s because he’s so sure of their cautiousness

He continued “well yes, you have a brain tumor, even so it didn’t grow much but it can be operated. So make sure you avoid all stress and fear of course, and be more conscious especially with pregnancy inasmuch as you want a child we also want that for you too but your health matters, it should always be your first priority…so, for now have a good rest before your discharge”  Doctor khalifa blinked, nodding like someone asked for a permission or something, idly kulthum who was somehow depressed was now smiling like a mad woman, she was just smiling and laughing and then crying, gripping the duvet under her legs. The doctor  excused himself together with the nurse, during the same time that hammad holds her from behind feeling more than sorry, because who wouldn’t?

She kept crying over and over asking for her Amma and her family. she cried herself to sleep, hating the entire universe, wishing for her death in every breath she inhaled and exhaled.

She woke up in the middle of the night, the night that felt lonely and full of despise. Her heart was still in the shattered pieces like it was in the morning, she only wished for her mother to be there with her not anyone else not even her husband talk less of any in-law to the greater extend hajia, because since from the time she heard her from the phone with hammad she began to dread and terrified to get acquainted with her specifically now that she knows she can’t conceive for the mean time or extend to that.

Currently, she was back at home taking a shower whereas Amma was in the kitchen with the temporary maid they hired, instructing her with the moringa porridge that her daughter was craving for.  

Now she was standing flat against the shower wall, allowing the spray of the shower to fall over her face. The stream of water diluted the grieve and depression she was feeling and it surely made her felt better and less pathetic as she always thought.

She went to her closet after looking at herself from the dressing table.

Sometimes that happens. One minute she was by the vanity, the next minute she’s not. She slipped in the jeans she picked and goes for the t-shirt, she walked back to the vanity again and stare for some seconds with a smile of I will be alright, infact I am okay and left for the kitchen to see Amma.

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