Chapter Twenty

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It wasn't their fault yet it is their fault

Chapter Twenty

Lekki's cold was much to be said, and the house seemed exactly homeless and even more colder. Haleem came out of the bathroom, cleaning his upper body with the towel he was holding. As he was looking into the clothes to wear, he heard a sound of plates clashing from the kitchen.

He put on his pant and shirt then went out to the kitchen. He thought he would see hammad but come across a lady washing and arranging dishes in the cabinet. She wasn't looking like a maid yet she wasn't a relative too, she was with a shorts and a crocked cardigan top and she appeared to be somewhat like a wife of the house but instantly he shove that nasty thought away and spoke out

"Good morning"

She spin around to see who's voice that was

"And you are?" she asked silly

"I am Haleem" he said pouring himself a glass of water

"And so?" she blurted and turned back to her dishes, He shrugged and left the kitchen.

Beebah! Babe?" hammad called while descending down the stairs

"In the kitchen!" she yelled back

He heard her and walked into the kitchen, she was now multi tasking. she was frying a chicken wings, cooking oatmeal and also arranging a tea cups.

Are you done?" he asked the time he walked into the kitchen

"Care to explain who that guest is?" she commented her hands in akimbo

He brought his hands to his forehead and scratch a bit then responded

"I am sorry. I didn't want you to create a scene yesterday and that's why I told you he is attahir's brother." He paused and continued

" actually, he wasn't suppose to stay in the hospital while I am his brother in law and after alI i also own a house for that matter"

Okay, mother Theresa...but you know I hate to stay under the same roof with her let alone someone related to her" she hissed and get back to turning the chicken wings

"For god sake kulthum is in the hospital unconscious and you still can't let her be? You are such a drama queen" he said taking a cup of tea in his hand

"I will never rest until she left this house for good" she said rolling her eyes

Haleem was by the corridor sipping water from his cup at the same time tapping his phone. He overheard their back and forth play of the blades in the boat which made him fired back instantly without thinking a second thought

"If I am dreaming then this is the worse sleep I have ever had but if I am awake then I suppose I am hearing can't be true, it can't be."

Hammad who just heard haleem's voice from behind got startled and tilted to him. He couldn't lie to him yet he couldn't tell the truth either, he was just exhaling and inhaling his breath.

"Haleem?" hammad sighed then retained " I know I did wrong but please understand me. I have been wanting to tell you about my second wife but got carried away by kulthum's condition and totally forgot, and besides I can't bring up this issue when it is the least of our matter now"

"Did she know?" hammad knows what Haleem was saying and he nodded

"She knows, and that too with her consent. She said she would tell you guys"

Haleem chuckled and move his head sideways because even he was hurt talk less of his sister who happened to be a wife of the house

"okay, I am done here" Haleem murmured and left for the guest room.

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