Chapter five

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You are always enough and that's okay

Chapter five


“Why not samira hammad?” hajia rafi'a Hammad’s mom directly threw the question at him while looking at Samira who was there so naïve and artless with her medium veil that covered her entire body, she was so innocent that you would mistake her for someone else.

“Hajia it’s not that Samira is not good adequately for me it’s ju…” his mother impasses him Repeating the just he wanted to say in his sentence

“Just what?” she reprised 

“hajia there’s kulthum”    “We’ve been together for more than five years, she’s the best thing that has ever happened to me, and she’s a good girl you will loves her too” he said and ending the last words with a murmur briefly recalling what she says about his mother when he came to her crying the other day

“I am not contradicting you about her Muhammad, I want you to see the right path. Samira here is your cousin, she’s been staying with us syne you are in school (NDA), she loves you and I can defend so but why are you giving us hard time? Why that girl”

 his mother is such a strong and bossy woman she won’t like it when you mess up with her matters especially her family. Hammad's father died long ago but that doesn’t stopped her from struggling and fighting her battle.

Samira was there exaggeratedly, pretentiously honest. Her head crouched playing with the edge of her veil that looks pretty on her. Hearty yes, Samira is a beautiful caramel veneer girl, she has an oval face shape along with a pointed nose that fit her face satisfactorily to make her attractive but not for hammad truthfully. He knows his mother can be strict at times but he would assuredly convince her, however, he would let her be alongside her judgement for a meanwhile, and as for Samira, he won’t allow her to decayed his life. Despite that he knows he contributed in whatsoever she was today but still that doesn’t gives her the right to manipulate his mom’s mind and made her against what he loves.

Hajia rafi'a upkeep with her perturbation and nagging criticizing all that hammad has to say to induce and win over her. Hammad layover there as soon as he sees how frustrated she was and due to that she could marry him off to that cunning girl Samira right there at that time, so he excused himself in a gentle manner and quietly ambled to his chamber.

Later in time, whilst hammad was on his bed resting his head on the headboard and his two legs on the stool in front of him. He wasn’t sleeping but he was there like he was, thinking only god knows what. He catches on to the knock at the door and lazily sauntered to see who it was. And of course it was Samira! There she was leaning against the door wall, her small tiny eyes looking up at him. He didn’t say a word he only stepped aside for her to come in.

“What do you want?”  he asked scowling

“really?” she rolled her eyes at him

“yaya Muhammad you know what happened between us and now you are letting me go through this alone? I was hurt when you left me alone the other day, you didn’t even care to check up on me but only saw your annoying text message that made me shade sorrowful tears. Yaya Muhammad please come to think of me and the situation you made me faced” this time she was shading tears but crocodile tears factually.

He stood from his mirror drawer that he leaned on and constitutionally walked apropos her.

“like seriously? Are you for real? I left you in a bad situation? I didn’t check up on you? My annoying text message?” he chuckled at her words and annoyingly glared at her  “yes we had sex even though you are the one who seduced me but still the fault wasn’t yours alone to bear, i lamented what happened and that was why I messaged you saying I was so sorry for my action, and not even once have I blamed you for that night, it was awkward to leave you all by yourself, yes I admit that but please don’t say that was your first time” he knew he did wrong and he apologized for his foolishness but she never thought he will notice she wasn’t a virgin nonetheless stupendously she tried to bulwarked and cover up

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