Chapter four: the sacrifice

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And yes, you are the greatest

Chapter four

It's been five days now sithen hammad last visit. Though they talked on the phone but not as usual. He's not as active as before, he's not been talking to his friends nor his family, he was always sorrowful as though he was mourning.

Right now, kulthum was devastated, she's depressed, she's down in the dumps, you could say she's the one at fault of what so ever happened. She slide off the bed and stood up and walked to the bathroom, she shut herself in there, and stare at the door, for a moment she forgot what she's even doing in the bathroom, but then remembered that she's been waiting for hammad to call back and just how she anticipated his call, her phone commenced to ring. She hurriedly rushed out from the toilet and grabbed her phone on the bedside drower.

"Hammad! Why are you ignoring my calls, why the new habit?" she murmured her voice cracked at the urge of tears

"I am sorry" he just uttered that and kept mum

"Where are you?" she asked instantly and yet no answer, she brought the phone to her gaze to see if he's still there "I know you are home so can we talk?" she said bringing the phone back to her ears

"I don't know what they want from me so desperately that they had to discussed my marriage with samira's parents, of course I knew I fucked off but does it have to come this far" and well in the vicinity of this time she wasn't surprised by what he says but by what she thought his family knows and she couldn't utter a word.

"how did they come to know what happened between you guys? Like I am so flabbergast right now" at length she mentioned

I don't know too, and I am so sure Samira didn't mentioned that either"

"how are you sure of that? She might manipulate you in any kind of ways" she said fuming like a dragon who's so desperate to spit out fire

"Well I wasn't the only one that Samira had sex with, I mean she wasn't a virgin when we became intimate and the kind of experience she had was somehow like she has done that several times"

"oh lord! What to do now?" she whispered thinking of a way to save face for her friend

"I think I have to tell everyone the truth...because i can't live with this guilt" she cutted him before he finished what he wanted to say

"No way...that's not a go hammad, your mom will be disappointed in you"

But what do you want me to do kulthum? I really don't want to marry Samira but if that is the only way to flush away my guilt and sin then so be it. I brought this upon myself, now if anyone has to take the blame it definitely has to be me"

"Marry me instead" she closed her eyes then spoke out

she maybe the one who said that but he was the one who dropped his phone or I should say the phone slipped from his hand

"wh...w..what!?" he said stammering

"yeah you heard me right, I said marry me instead" she doesn't even know whether what she says was the best idea or not but for sure she wants to be there for her friend at any cost.

"No, no kulthum, you can't involve yourself in this mess and besides it's my game to play not yours"

"Now is not the right time for all these, I don't care whether it's your game or mine, all I want is for you to trust this plan, and in addition, I certainly knows that when I am done with school Abba will decisively search for a great suitor or ask me about anyone I am in a relationship with, and you know for the better I've not been dating for long" she closed her eyes for some second again and let go of an anxious sigh

Kulthum I don't want your pity, I don't want you to put yourself in my shoes. It's not that I don't like you or you aren't my type to settle with but...can you for once consider yourself" hurting kulthum or her feelings the last thing that hammad would ever wished for. It not like he's not into her or she's not perfect enough but he's not sure if she was being sincere or trying to rescue him from drowning down the red sea

She walked near her wardrobe and dragged the vanity stool besides it and smiled at her self in the mirror then gaincoming to the call. "We've been friends for long now, quite enough to know everything about one another, you know how I eat, how I walk, how I used to react when I am happy, how I also react when I get upset with what so ever, how I am with everything single thing, even how I take a nap. You are the only person i got the chance to call a friend, you never back off regardless of my illness, you always bield me in spite of knowing sometimes I am helpless" she paused and relaxed a bit then carried on

"I know you are being considerate right now nevertheless do have any plan to execute after this? Friends are always there for each other then why are you denying me the right to do so? You've always been there for me, why can't i?"

"Is there any other word better than thank you, I love you and I am so proud of you?" he murmured from his side running his fingers through his curly dark brown hair. And yes for a bit she was mix up and then quickly she grabbed what he was saying, she smiled once more looking at her reflection in the mirror

"Well yes, I think it's a capital y e s to my proposal" she uttered smacking her lips enough to form an O and they all broke into a joyous cachinnation

"What do I call you now darling?" he asked trying to poke fun at her and yes It was romantic in all possible level

She couldn't even put back her mouth to it's original shape seeing how she's been chuckling and smiley all these while "you just say it sweetheart" she chuckled again and he laughed at her chuckle exaggeratedly

They jumped into their friendly discussion ceased remembrance of them being lovers now or I should say friends-lovers inasmuch as they can't stop being silly and crazy.

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