Chapter twenty nine

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May we find serenity in all we have to encounter


The exhibition hall was pleasant to the eye that will made one look at it for a million times without getting tired. The images of various ceramic pots and cups and so many more a person can think of was displayed on the walls and corners of the hall. The earthenware were there arranged attractively and if not mistaken you would say they were dragging you to stare at them purposely.

Not to mention how famous Nigerian actors and singers were there touring the entire building praising the talent of the ceramic creator unconditionally. Everywhere in that building was screaming WOW, there were mopols and tons of securities, CCTV cameras were obviously staring, and just then, the arrival of the Air Force head and his boys was announced

"ladies and gentlemen, please make way for Air Machel Ibrahim mai goro and his favourable army" the anchor on the stage voiced out and instantly joined the crowd clapping

General Ibrahim was the lead whereby Hammad was by the left and the general's eldest son by the right hand side while the few army were at the back following their lead.
As they entered, they split into two and gave a wider space in the middle, leaving the general to welcome His Excellency President Rufa'I Aminu together with his Vice.

"You are highly welcome Mr. President" Came the general's voice

"You are highly welcome, sir" the army further out orderly

The president handshake each and everyone of the army looking so pleased over their presence. As he walked to the direction where the grand opening supposed to happen, kulthum was in company with her family walking behind him and his wife.

They uttered Bismillah and cutted the tuxedo thread lace. A round of applause kept echoing in the hall as well as the clicks of cameras.

A mic was given to His Excellency to say a few words and he collected as expected and began to speak looking so proud of kulthum by his side.

"Assalamu alaikum everyone. It is such an honor to be the father of the day of such a glorious exhibition. I would have given a long speech if not for that short man that says it should be few..." the laughter that filled the hall made him halted and then continued after

"This Galley is not just a normal gallery made from the idea of a young talented woman, it is a gallery created by a woman full of matureness, patience, hardwork, dedication, and love. This girl is none other than a daughter, my daughter too. This will be one of the most famous and recognized Gallery in Nigeria and I hope it will also serves as an educative source to those that have the talent and passion of such"

A round of applause surrounded the hall, wonderful smiles and laughter also. Some admired kulthum while some felt like to switch places with her. She was just so glamorous and glorious that you would die saying you knew her from before and people wouldn't believe you.

"Any word you would like to say?" the VP asked her as he finished with his beautiful and praising speech

She collected the mic and walked to stage

"It is such a pleasant sight for me to witness the people that loved and still love me despite the struggles and needs. If not for your support and affection I wouldn't stand here on my feet feeling the crown made of love in my head. Indeed, the journey was a toughest one yet I overcome it, and I believed during transformation, you might feel like everything is falling apart, but in reality everything is coming together for your highest good. When my mom texted me the night I was to leave for Germany, her message got me so weak that I couldn't say where I instantly found my strength, but I believed it was the last sentence in the message " behind every strong person is a story that gave them two choices: Sink or Swim" and I choose to Swim.

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