It Affects All Of Us

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Recap from the previous chapter*

We left the Sharps with one at home and one on the road. Travis still reeling down the tour and live shows before the biggest stage of them all. The rivalry with Bray Wyatt has heated up enough for it to main event WrestleMania. Travis has headlined at least once for mania, and he's honored to share the stage with a phenomenal story mind like Bray.

Becky on the other hand is opening the show with a no holds barred match against Miss Bliss. Once Hunter took control when WWE sold and Vince retired, they caught wind of the real life beef between the two and played it into their storyline. Travis thinks it's absolutely ridiculous they would pull a stunt, but Becky on the other hand sees this as letting all the anger that's been built up since she figured out Alexa slept with her husband. Even though both cheated on each other, it was worse that it was with people that was close to the couple. With Alexa being one of them, it hurt Becky more knowing they named their little girl, Alexis after her. But they don't regret naming her after the former friend, more of seeing it as she's not named after Bliss anymore.

Now, back to business. Travis is still in talks with either staying in WWE, or jumping ship and returning to the indies scene with possible work with AEW. He's watched a few programs and pay per views from Tony Kahn but he's not fully convinced at this moment. And when word that Travis hasn't resigned yet hit Hunters desk, he's trying to cook something up for one of their top stars. Of course they want to keep him home, but they can't force him to stay. It's all in the air and mouths of fans spreading false rumors.

And lastly, the Sharps family relationship and its problems. Travis and Becky have been going to couples counseling/therapy for a bit now, and now the professional wants to bring a new face in. When they were asked to bring their eldest in, things got a bit different and makes them worried.

One week before WrestleMania*

In Tampa, Florida*

Today is Monday, and the final weekend live tour for WWE has ended which will give talent a week off before having to fly for WrestleMania. Travis easily took that as stay at home and work on family time, in which Becky felt the same.

At the sharps*

Everyone is home. Kids are back with their parents and nothing is really planned for the week until they have to leave. This year Travis and Becky aren't bringing the kids to the show due to scheduling conflicts with work and school. With Alexis being in early schooling, they can't always bring her everywhere with them now. And now that also means Travis and Becky can't be gone for weeks on end. Most of the time, either of them only do a few house shows and come back to Florida to be with the kids.

This was a tough decision since they're still building storylines, but it was an easy decision when it was brought up in counseling one day.

9:00am hits*

Becky is still in bed, sprawled out and out cold. Her and Travis stayed up pretty late last night out back just talking. A few things were brought up, and alot they didn't want to talk about. Then their relationship was brought up which some parts got heated, then back to emotional. Either way, they ended up going to bed together later that night.


Travis, Alexis and Jackson are all awake while making a mess in the kitchen. Jackson in his high chair eating dry Cheerios, and Alexis "helping" her dad cook them breakfast.

Eggs, ham, bacon, pancakes and toast was on the menu. Dirty pans in the sink and Travis's apron coated in ingredients, but breakfast was finished.

Travis plated his daughter's food first to get her going, then made him and his wife's.

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