Day's Like This Are Pointless

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Two weeks since the last chapter*

Travis had his meeting with Hunter about his suspension and his return time was unclear at this point. When it was just the two, Hunter knew something was wrong when he didn't give any sympathy on the matter of his arrest that lead to his suspension.

As the words "Add on another month, or two, or three. You know what? Just fire me." Really had him concerned since he's never seen this side of his head star, ever in his time with WWE.

While he was still in Stamford at the headquarters, Hunter finally got him to calm down and tried his hardest to get Travis to tell what caused all of this; He got nothing out of the main eventer.

He would later find out from Stephanie since she needed it for the records.

Travis leaves WWE headquarters*

When he took off on his plane back to Tampa, his mind was racing about what he just did.

Multiple ideas were running through his head going forward with his career and legacy.

Travis's Mind*: Leave WWE and return home. Ring of Honor will welcome you back with open arms.

Then as soon as he looked up from his phone for a second. One of Travis's idols and good friends Tommy Dreamer walked onboard the flight, which he greeted him and had a quick chat before he went back to his seat.

More ideas came through.

Travis's Mind*: What about Impact? They're stationed around Atlanta and the Nashville area. I could move to either city and work back and forth.

With that processing through his head, he was scrolling through his twitter and saw an ad for a upcoming wrestling show ran by one of his best friends.

Travis's Mind*: Do I risk it all and sign with Cody to join AEW?

One more promotion came up but was interrupted by a text coming through, then another from a different person checking up on him.

Katie: How did it go?

Ashley: Becks told me that you went up to HQ, how was it?

Charlotte has been on his nerves lately and he didn't respond to her, and his sister was on thin ice with him since she's taking Becky's side.

But she was his sister and shes the only family member that knows the situation, and he is staying under her roof so he felt like she was obliged to know.

Travis [to Katie]: It went how I expected. I'm suspended until further notice, no time or date announced and their keeping it hush hush with the arrest.

She sent him a reply pretty quickly and he responded before his plane took off.

Katie: They didn't even tell you when you could go back!? That's messed up.

Travis: Nothing I could've done. Hunter wanted to know what was going on between Becky and I but he doesnt need to know everything.

After he sent it, he felt the plane lift off and he fell asleep as the sun fully set on the east coast.

With Becky at the Performance Center*

She had no idea that Travis didn't say anything to Triple H, but she let it all out with Stephanie by her side.

The secret was out and a broken Becky sat in her bosses office, crying and growing weak as she laid it all out on the table. Shock went through Stephanie's mind since she always thought different of the two.

Becky Lynch Love III (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 3*Where stories live. Discover now