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Dropping straight from the previous chapter*

The secret is out, little bit of deja vu but this time was all on Travis. He had cheated on his "still" together wife, and now he has an odd feeling.

In one hand he feels horrible that he's put Becky through another emotional rollercoaster; And in the other hand, he feels like a huge weight is off his shoulders. With that coming to, there's a little bit of no remorse.

Some sick, weird feeling that made him a little happy to see this news come out. He now sees how she reacted, and it was about the same the way he did.

The next day*

With the news between Travis and Lexi being tossed into the air, today would be a day where they talk more and more about it.

Since Becky freaked out and was a ball of emotion the night before, she quickly set up an appointment.

Little backstory from the night before*

At the Sharp's*

There sat Travis and Becky sitting on the couch. Tissues surrounding the couple from earlier in the night, but more were being tossed around.

Becky continued to break down as Travis held her close. She cried in his arms as he had one arm around her and holding the tissue box with the other.

The house was quiet besides the little puffs and sniffs from the Irish women inside.

At this moment, Travis felt horrible. He knows that the stress she's been through isn't well for her health. Even though both are almost in perfect shape thanks to their trainers, these emotions and extreme amount of stress can easily ruin their healthy lifestyle.

Becky: sniffs*

Travis: I'm so sorry, Becks.

With this little moment happening, something changed in Becky's mood.

She quickly shoved her shoulder, making her husband's arm fall off.

Becky: You need to leave.

Travis: Don't.

Becky: I can't deal with this right now, Trav.

She started to cry a little more, but also he could see that tensions were high. Even though she has started all of this, he knows that he messed up.

There was no intention of hurting her more, he didn't plan on cheating her in revenge, this wasn't playing out as he thought it would.

As she snapped on him a little, Travis sat there as he watched his wife put her head in her hands and almost have another meltdown.

That was it, no more talking for now.

He quietly stood up, walked to the edge of living room and looked back at her. She was still sitting where he had left her with more tissues coming out.

Travis knew if he tried to say something else then that could go either way, that he would start another argument or she would then talk on splitting up.

Becky Lynch Love III (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 3*Where stories live. Discover now