Some Light Shines In The Darkness

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A week after the mayhem*

It's been a full week since everything went down, and everytime Travis wakes up it seems like it happened the night before.

He was reliving that fateful day, looking at Becky straight in her eyes and hearing her say those three words that ruined it all.

"I'm so sorry"

Ever since then he hasn't been the same. His mood was very different as his sister Katie could see the life slowly get sucked out of him from the emotional pain. She has yet to see him breakdown profusely, only one time and that's when he involved his daughter.

And the drama with his son isn't making this any better. Travis was having doubts of even seeing Jackson after hearing that he might not even be his own son.

With his name being so special to Travis, if it results to him not being the father then he's never seeing that boy again. He knows after raising him for over a year and a half that it could devastate Becky and the baby himself, but the emotional toll it's taking to him thinking that the memorial name went to waste.

Now whenever he would be thinking of the situation, Becky would always turn into Travis thinking of their little girl Alexis.

She has no idea what is going on, why her daddy wasn't home, or why mommy was always sad.

Her head must be spinning and he doesnt want her to worry since she's too little to be upset over this all.

With Travis's mind spinning, Becky would pop back up over and over; She couldn't leave his mind awake or even asleep.

His conscious would always be running around the idea that he was still madly in love with her. Dreams would always make him smile since they always were memories that involved her. Anything that him and Becky did during their six years being together, it would replay in his mind on a loop.

The good was now shadowing what was actually happening, and why this was all going down.

While he would be happy asleep, Travis would then wake up upset and feeling like a failure.

Monday morning*

Travis was still at his sister's house as she wouldn't let him leave and rent a hotel room like he suggested.

She figured him spending money on a awful hotel room would be pointless since he's always welcomed at her house.

He was also a big help with her son Benjamin, since she was a emergency trauma nurse she would get called out randomly; Travis would be there to watch his nephew while she goes to work.

She also wanted to have him at her house so she can keep an eye on him. Katie never knew her brother to actually do something when he was sad or depressed, but after this huge event she had no idea what could happen if he was left alone.

Now with WWE's side on the whole situation. No one in the higher ups or backstage know what is going on between Becky and Travis. Since the arrest, that's all they know about anything; and now Travis is currently suspended until further notice which is unknown.

He didn't care since he's starting to get these thoughts that the company is to blame. But that'll come back up whenever he has the meeting with them soon.

Tampa, eight o'clock in the morning*

Katie was now awake as she just watched her son get on the bus and head to school.

When she walked back in through the front door, there stood her brother just looking like hell.

Katie: Morning Trav.

Becky Lynch Love III (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 3*Where stories live. Discover now