I'm Not Doing This Again

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Continuing from the last chapter*

Money in the Bank was officially over and Travis was furious, today was supposed to end in bitter sweet with him and his wife leaving Houston happy.

But instead, they are now staying a extra day since Becky took it into her own hands and made sure they came back.

There were no words that could explain how mad and disappointed he was in Becky.

Backstage of arena*

Travis and Becky were still in gorilla as she was holding her daughter and showing her around. Alexis has been in the back her whole life, but Becky knew this was the only way that Travis wouldn't go off.

She glimpsed over and saw him staring at her as Triple H walked away through the curtain, she now knows that Travis knows what's happening.

With Travis*

Anger and frustration was building up inside him, waiting to blow as the plan was now officially ruined; it was all because of his wife's humongous ego.

All he could do was stare at her to let her know that there's something was wrong and she needed to know.

But what shocked him next was she mouthed to him with their daughter facing away.

Becky: I'm sorry.

She then turned around and set their daughter down as she had the title in her hand and running back to her dad.

Travis couldn't believe it, this was all her doing; Her plan, her mistake.

Becky then walked up to him and tried to kiss him, but he turned his head and only got his cheek. She knew that he was very upset at this point but couldn't do anything to change it since Alexis is present.

Since tensions were high, Becky picked up Alexis and walked her out of gorilla and back to their locker room as Travis followed.

He has yet to say anything to Becky after hearing the disappointing news from Hunter, there wasn't anything he could say to her at this point as he was and wasn't shocked.

Travis and Becky have been married for a little over five years and this wasn't anything surprising.

Its happened before and he knew that it would again, so this was no shock to how she did it without informing him.

Now that everyone was walking back to their locker room, Becky was stopped by Cathy Kelly for a interview with WWE.com. Travis took Alexis and walked off with her without saying anything.

Becky knew he was upset, so that interview only got half of her motivation and energy.

An hour later*

Everyone was now out of the arena and heading back to their hotel rooms, or the highway for the next shows.

Most of the roster was staying since they were scheduled to return back to the same arena for RAW tomorrow.

Travis parked their rental car at the hotel parking lot and watched his family jump out.

He slowly got out and walked behind his wife holding their daughter hand into the front of the hotel and into the building. They all then walked oast the front and into an elevator, and with just the three of them standing it was awkwardly quiet.

Nothing was being said as Alexis was looking at them both and wondering what was going on.

With her dad being visibly upset and Becky knowing it, it was a weird sight for her. It's never healthy for a child to witness parents in a hostile manner but they never had a fight around her.

Becky Lynch Love III (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 3*Where stories live. Discover now