A Broken Family

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A couple days since the return*

Well, Travis is back in WWE but only for a short time. By this time in a month, he'll be a free man. No more awkward storylines, no more mentally insane tour schedules, no more stress for being at work.

At this point in his life he's just ready to be done with that company and move on to better things. Travis has always been interested in doing stunts for movie productions or working to train upcoming superstars.

The thought of retiring full time came into question and was at one time the number one in his mind.

Still to this day, nobody else knows about his situation with the company, Hunter and Vince besides himself. Knowing that, multiple media outlets that cover the industry have no idea what is going on with Travis and the company.

All everyone knows is that he's back and ready for his Wrestlemania match against "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt.


Today was special for Travis since it was "Father Time". He would be picking up the kids and taking them out for the afternoon before going to his and Becky's third couples counseling session.

Travis is still sleeping*

He was still at Katie's since he cannot return home for reasons. Today he slept in a little longer than usual, and it was for a good reason.

Travis was having a unusual dream that was bringing back the past.

Travis's lucid dream*

There was Travis, overlooking what looked to be his home in Orlando. Looking around the area was around the time he was home from having to retire from inring competition.

As he looked around, he saw himself sitting on the couch watching a movie while Alexis was in bed.

When he continued to play out his dream, Travis watched himself grab his phone and scroll down his contact list.

Around this time in the past, this was the night that Becky supposedly cheated on him. That was because he never called her to check up on her, which probably could've changed her mind on going out that night that ended with making a mistake.

Dream Travis then was ready to put down the phone, it was like slow motion as the man himself helped him pick up the phone and dial his wife.

The dream continued as he saw Becky answer the facetime call.

Becky: Hello, love.

Dream ends*

Travis's eyes slowly opened as his ears were ringing from the alarm clock going off. He woke up drenched in sweat as he had that life changing dream.

Somehow he was able to possibly make his world normal again if he would've called her that night.

Knowing that and having it replay in his mind over and over for the short time, it was easily eating him on the inside.

He then quickly threw off the covers and sat up since he had a busy morning ahead, having that memory of his dream making him feel like it's somehow his fault couldn't ruin his day.

Just before his and Becky's appointment, he had to pick up his little one's.

Travis quickly jumped into the shower and got dressed.

20 minutes later*

He walked out wearing jeans and a nice shirt which impressed his sister.

Katie: cooking breakfast* Well, look at you. All dressed up. Special occasion?

Travis: I got the kids for the morning.

Becky Lynch Love III (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 3*Where stories live. Discover now