She Keeps The Faith Alive

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A couple days after the last chapter*


When Becky became the RAW Women's Champion once again, Travis had no reaction. It was one of those things where it has become normal to him that there was no way he was shocked.

Travis's mind was racing all night after hearing the three count on the tv and watched his wife raise the red belt. Then something came through his head while watching.

Travis's mind: The reason him and Becky are always apart, fighting and drifting apart in their relationship isn't all on them. The company is tearing us apart, they're the ones that cause our disputes.

His mindset was blaming the company for everything. At this point, Travis may be done with WWE.

Maybe its time to return to his old stomping grounds and experiment in different places?


Tampa, Florida. The Sharp's residence*

The house was sitting silent, no voices, no barking, no baby cries.

Becky woke up a little early and got ready for her day with Jackson. Since being back on the scheduled programming for Monday Night RAW, she's also on part time which means no live show tours for her.

Which was perfect since Travis has her babygirl for the rest of the weekend. Her mother duties are now focused to Jackson since he hasn't been getting the attention he needs.


Becky was still in her pajamas as she walked out of her bedroom, closed the door and walked down the hallway to the two bedrooms paralleling each other.

The pink room was empty while the light blue walled room was filled with little baby giggles. She pushed the door open some more to see their dog Kilo sitting in front of the crib, and Jackson was standing with help of the side.

He was jumping a bit and laughing until he looked up and saw his mommy.

Becky: Gasps* Is Kilo being a good boy Jack!?

Jackson: points at the dog* Goo-d

Becky: Good! Yes!

She walked over and picked him up, kissing his cheek and getting him ready for the day.

Someone was going to stop by later in the morning to check up on her and help go shopping.

30 minutes later*

Becky was finishing up breakfast for her little man and herself. She was finishing up the eggs as Jackson was eagerly waiting in his high chair.

She could tell how excited he was for food as she would hear him hit the table and move the chair.

Becky: turns to see her son* Calm sweetie. I know you're hungry.

Jackson: Muma!

Becky: Yea, yea.

She quickly cleaned up as much as she could and brought over her plate and his bowl of stuff.

He was now getting more into solid foods since he's getting more and more of his baby teeth.

Becky sat down and started to help feed her son as he was enjoying it all. He would smile after every bite and it made her smile, this was what she needed after a stressful week.

Then came a sound that quickly changed her mind.

Door bell ding*

Knock, knock*

Becky Lynch Love III (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 3*Where stories live. Discover now