My World Is Upside Down

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Recap on what's happend since the huge split*

Once Travis packed his bags into his truck and got into his driver's seat, he looked back at his house to see his dog Kilo standing in the window.

Smiling face to see Travis but that made it more hard on him seeing his best friend slowly move away.

As Travis backed down the driveway and started to drive down the road, he saw a red Durango pulled over to the side of the road.

Charlotte had parked and had her windows down trying to flag Travis down to stop and talk, but he wasn't in the right state of mind and went right past her.

It wasn't long before he was out of his neighborhood and just driving.

While he was driving down the highway he could hear his phone blowing up on the holder. Private messages and tags from news outlets were blasting his name and mugshot all around the internet.

He was now getting spammed with messages about doing quick interviews or asking questions on why he was in jail the night before.

No news or anything have come out on the reasoning why he spent the night in jail early Saturday.

Also now having Charlotte blowing up his phone since she is worried about him, then she got AJ involved to see if he can get to him.

Last but not least was the moms of the family; Becky and his mom were also trying to get ahold of him, worried sick about what is happening.

Travis on the other hand has shut himself from the world around him.

Back at the house*

Becky was a complete wreck as Kilo walked up to her and comforted her until Charlotte walked in through the garage side door.

She turned her head and saw her best friend sitting on the ground, head in her lap and hysterically crying.

Charlotte: Becks.. c'mon.

As she walked over and helped her up, both then slowly walked into her living room and sat on her couch. She was trying to get as much as she could from Becky, but the uncontrollable crying and shaking made her silent.

That was until the redhead pointed upstairs and laid down on her couch weak.

Charlotte then looked up, got up and walked up the stairs into their bedroom.

The sight was hangers on their bed and one side of the closet was cleaned out.

Charlotte: silent*

She knew that he grabbed his clothes and ran off, which made this situation worse.

After an hour, she called AJ and let him know that she wouldn't home since she's going to keep an eye on Becky.

Some little ones were returning tomorrow so she hoped that would lift Becky's spirit up a little.

They of course wouldn't tell them anything until something actually starts moving where they would have to atleast tell them what's happening.

The next day*

Charlotte woke up in the guest room after hearing Becky's bedroom door close. Jingles from the pups collar soon followed as that dog hasn't left Becky's side.

Since her broken friend was now awake, she quickly got something on and walked out her room.

When she looked over the banister  Becky was sitting on the couch, legs crossed and the pup sitting on her lap. All she was doing was petting him slowly while looking straight at the wall in front of her.

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