I'm Losing My Mind

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2 days since Travis and Becky spoke*

Becky has been shut in the house ever since her husband left. All she has is her kids and the dog, and occasionally Charlotte would stop over.
When Charlotte came back over the night that Becky had called Travis and told him that he was Jackson's father, she got mad at him of how the way he handled it.

She knew when she talked to him that he didn't even care about her feelings. Even though that she messed up, he could atleast act like she is a human being.

Wednesday morning*

The past two days have been hell for Travis. He's been in a emotional spin as soon as he got off the phone with his wife.

Having the news that he was the father to his son was great, but after hearing the multiple voicemails over, and over, and over that night; he was now feeling like the bad guy as he could feel how she was feeling. Everytime he would hear them he would feel the same, his mind would spiral back to where they were madly in love.

Then his mind would spike at the point where he heard Charlotte break the news that changed their lives.

All of his emotions he got from her would then stop and he would stick by what he was doing.

Travis was starting to lose his mind.


His eyes slowly opened as the Florida sun was rising into the bedroom window, when it hit his eye then he was fully awake.

It was pretty early since today he is scheduled to a meeting with the top head of the company.

He was not ready for this day, but he was already ready to get it over with.

Travis sat up and quickly packed a carry on just incase he was forced to stay overnight. After that he jumped into the shower and got dressed in his suit.

10 minutes later*

Katie was out in her kitchen making breakfast for her, her son Benjamin and Travis.

She hasn't been his biggest fan ever since they had that talk with Charlotte. As everyone knows that Becky made a mistake, she thinks that Travis could atleast make an effort to work something out with her instead of dropping everything and leaving her.

Travis walks out of his room and walks downstairs*

He rounded the corner and she saw him all dressed up with one of his bags that he brought when this situation happend.

She had no idea what was going on but let him be since he sat next to her son.

Travis: Morning you two. Whatcha doing Ben?

Ben: Working on some homework..

Travis: What is that? Science?

Ben: Yeah. My favorite.

He was watching him brainstorm and think of different solutions to solving the problems. Travis saw big things for his nephew as he turned into a smart kid.

Then he walked up and sat at the counter while his sister finished cooking.

Everyone then started to eat as she had a few questions whenever the bus came to pick up Ben.

At the counter*

Katie: Alright, now that he's gone. Where are you off to today?

Travis: Meeting.

Katie: With? Becky?

Travis: Nope. Flying to Stamford to meet with management.

Katie: Oh. Are you in trouble?

Becky Lynch Love III (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 3*Where stories live. Discover now