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Continuing from the last chapter*

With a hothead Travis*

The blackedout Hellcat was fired up and burned out of Charlotte and AJ's new property. Breathing heavily with rage in his eyes, Travis was ignoring everything the world is offering.

Cutting through back streets and ally ways, he wasn't even abiding by the laws.

And what was to come next was the cherry on top.

With Travis*

His mind was racing, trying to piece this all together as he was just thrown into a spin. Life as we know it would be changing significantly after this night, and what he's about to do in the next couple minutes would crumble it.

While racing to the house he was looking for, his phone was blowing up like crazy as he was getting calls and multiple text spams.

Ashley: 3 unread messages*

Alan: 2 missed calls* 1 unread message*

Babe❤💍: 8 unread messages*

Not paying attention to his buzzing phone on the passenger seat, Travis pulled up to the gated community that housed the man that cheated with his wife.

Luckily for Travis the gate was wide open with no security guard at their post.

He won't have to get their attention to call and confirm they know him. This is all now a surprise.

The clock just hit eleven o'clock at night and the streets were empty, a wide open space for him to race around. A couple turns later he stopped in front of the house.

Lights still on and the garage door just closed so they were home.

Travis: under his breath* Son of a bitch.

He then quickly pulled up into the driveway, yanked the emergency break after putting it in gear and hopped out.

Fire was fueling himself to do this, nothing will stop Travis at this point.

Quickly putting his jacket back on he walked up to the front door and knocked.

Knock knock*

The light for the front flipped on and he saw Bayley peak out of the window and looked straight at him.

She quickly walked away and unlocked the front door, opened it with a confused smile.

Bayley: Trav? What are you doing here at.. looks at the clock* Eleven o'clock?

Travis: I was in the neighborhood and figured I'd stop by and see my old friend.

Bayley: Sure, c'mon in. He's in the kitchen.

She held the door open and Travis walked into their house, leaving his shoes on as he wouldn't be here long.

They then walked from the front to the back of the house where the kitchen and family room is.

As soon as they walked into the huge room, Travis caught his eyes on his target.

Bayley: You're really in your boxers? We have a guest.

Travis: Ferg! How's it going buddy?

He walked over and side hugged him with a tight grip that made Finn feel instantly uncomfortable.

Finn: Hey Travis, you're here late?

Travis: Yeah, I know. I figured I'd stop by and see you pal. It's been a while since we've talked.

Becky Lynch Love III (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 3*Where stories live. Discover now