This Will Help Us

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Continuing from the last chapter*

Travis was now passing the two hour mark in the six hour roadtrip back to Tampa from Atlanta.

His little girl fell asleep as soon as they left the parking lot. Music and the headlights from other cars passing on the other side of the highway.

Alot was now going through his head as the text that his wife sent him made him think.

Travis's Mind: "Can we talk? It's about the kids." What does she mean by that? The kids are fine.

He didn't respond to her at this point knowing she was probably in bed since it was two in the morning.

What he didn't know is she was still awake, waiting for a response and staying up to greet her little girl. Becky had no idea where her husband or daughter were and got worried.

She had to call for some back up just to make sure everything was alright.

Travis's phone goes off*

The call came through the bluetooth and stopped the music. The words "Kat" came across as his phone kept ringing, and now he was wondering why she was awake.


Travis: Kat? What's up? It's two in the morning.

Katie: Travis! Where are you?

Travis: We're now passing into Florida? Why? You sound worried.

Katie: When you don't text your wife back when she asks where you and her little daughter are, I'd be worried enough to call around and get to you.

Travis: sigh* She really called you this late at night?

Katie: Hey, I don't blame her. You two are still married and her kid is six hours out of state; It's also the middle of the night and you're driving.

Travis: Trust me, I'm fine. I have my coffee and just.. well was listening to my music.

Katie: And Alexis?

He turned around and saw that her head was laying on the pillow he brought her, also tucked into her blanket.

Travis: Looks to be where I left her when we pulled out of the parking lot, fast asleep.

Katie: Ok, good. Now please, do me a favor.

Travis: ...

Katie: Text Becky. Let her know what's going on so she's not freaking out the whole night.

Travis: I guess.

Katie: Love you both. I'm going to bed, goodnight!

Travis: Love you too sis.

They both hung up and he quickly pulled out his phone so he wouldn't have to almost yell to get the bluetooth microphone to work in his truck.

He pulled up the contact Becky❤ and swiped it over as it started to call.

It wasn't long before he overheard the other side pick up.

Becky: Travis!?

Travis: Hey Becks. Sorry I didn't text you letting you know we were on our way back.

Becky: Oh *sighs in relief* it's ok. I was worried since you said you were driving back when you picked her up.

Becky Lynch Love III (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 3*Where stories live. Discover now