My Clock Is Ticking

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A couple days after the therapy session*

Travis has been at home working out and living his broken life after the session with his "still" wife.

With life hitting him in a weird way and emotionally taking a toll on him, he was finally starting to mellow out and become relieved of the stress that has been holding him.

Even though he still has alot on his shoulders that he's keeping from Becky. Almost everytime they would talk over text or facetime for the kids, that night would relive in his mind.

He felt like a jerk making her feel like the worst person in the world as he is now the person causing the problem.

Quick flashback to the night before*

Travis was in his sweats and hanging out with his nephew watching a movie and eating popcorn. His sister Katie had an emergency call to the hospital late so he was now watching the little guy.

Just two boys, watching Avengers and one getting tired. Benjamin was losing the fight against sleep quickly so Travis walked him to his room, tucked him in and said his goodnights before walking out.

He walked back downstairs to a dimmed, dark living room to see his phone light up.

A phone call was coming through but just before he would get to it, it ended.

Whoever was on the other line was leaving a voicemail since he couldn't call them back, but after a bit the message came through.

Travis picked up his phone and dialed his number to listen to the message, and when he overheard the mans voice with a request to call him back.

While the message ended, he knew he had to otherwise he won't hear the end of it.

Calls back the man*

Hunter: Travis! Did you get my message?

Travis: I called you back now, and I'm not discussing my contract over the phone.

Hunter: Not to worry, we're lifting your suspension. I want to invite you to RAW tomorrow so we can talk.

Travis: About?

Hunter: You'll find out when you get here.

Travis: Contract talk is done. I'm not going to fly all the way to go knows where just to sit in an office and get told the same bullshit I've heard the past few months.

Hunter: Trav, leave it for tomorrow. See you in Washington.

He hung up, sat down on the couch and sighed as he flipped through his email to see a conformation with his plane ticket.

Anything can go tomorrow, and Travis isn't ready.

Back to present day*

Becky was already in Washington D.C. as the company needed her for media to push Wrestlemania.

While she was gone, her mom flew into the states and surprised her. Of course the kids were ecstatic to see their grandmother.

This was perfect timing since Becky got a hold of her husband for a favor but was surprised that he was also flying out to the show, so now they'll be with their Irish grandmother for the evening.

She was gone and Travis was flying out later, but before he does that there is one thing he has to do.

Monday Morning*

The alarm was set to go off any minute but he beat it this morning and kept it off so it doesnt wake up the whole house.

Katie is home all week after a stressful two weeks, and her son doesn't have school so they're still asleep.

Becky Lynch Love III (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 3*Where stories live. Discover now