Time To Cash Out

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Next week*

It's been a week since we've seen the Sharp's as Becky was granted time off before the Money in the Bank pay per view. She would finally get time to go back to Tampa and spend with her husband and kids for a week.

This was good on her self esteem as she has started to feel like a failure of a mother after there conversation with their daughter's teacher.

She feels like it was all her fault that their daughter wasn't getting the proper learning experience because of them taking her everywhere her and Travis go.

One day of the free week, Travis and Becky woke up early and took Alexis to school themselves while Jackson's aunt watched him for the day.

They walked her in and gave her hugs when she was walking into her class room, after they watched her go learn they then walked back to the front where the principal's office was.

The couple was there to speak to the head women of the school to figure out a way to be able to take Alexis whenever they really need to. But there was nothing they could work around as she would be missing more and more days.

This was a really hard decision but Becky and Travis made up a schedule to only take her to three shows whenever she's in school. One would be Wrestlemania, One would be at home, and the last one would be if something big is happening to one another.

Travis could tell that it hurt Becky to have to say no to their daughter now whenever she wanted to go with them.

After the meeting, Travis drove his wife back home where it was just the two of them. Usually they would clean a little or go somewhere, but today they were just relaxing around the house.

As soon as they got home the couple went downstairs to get in a quick workout, then they ate.

They got cleaned up and then got into their swim wear and went outside, Becky was getting a nice little tan going while Travis was trying to get one.

It was just the two of them outside with the dog next to them.

A couple minutes of being outside*

Travis let the dog back in and walked back outside to see Becky had taken off her sunglasses and put them on the side table.

He figured she had been in a state where she was close to falling asleep, so he had a little idea come up. Travis slowly turned up the volume on the outside surround sound, then he carefully walked around so his shadow was hidden from her peripheral view.

She still hadn't moved as Travis was now standing next to her, slowly picked up the small side table and went to move it.

But he was quickly stopped as the table was being forced back.

When he turned around, he saw Becky's arm extended and her hand gripping the table tight. The idea was now shut down as she was now awake and wondering what he was doing.

Becky: Travis..

Travis: What?

Becky: This isn't going to work this time.

Travis: What won't work?

Becky: Are ya serious? I've been married to you for five years, I think I know what you're going to do.

Travis: I still don't know what you're talking about.

He then put the table back and walked off as she watched him the whole time with a cracked smile.

An hour later*

Travis and Becky were now back inside and dressed in lazy clothes since Alexis was getting picked up by one of their friends that was taking her on a play date with their daughter.

Becky Lynch Love III (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 3*Where stories live. Discover now