Part 9

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Few weeks passed and Henry and Alex relationship had grew more intimate with each other. It wasn't just kissing anymore, sometimes constant teasing and flirting and Alex didn't think he would be the one who settles for more domestic carnal relationship.

Few months ago his life was either work, home and the bar for hook ups and that is how he ended up meeting Miguel and they happens to be living in the same building. But to Alex, Miguel is just a hook up and Henry is much more different. Henry is not like his other relationship before. Even though his last relationship was two years ago and it was a total mess, Alex had to admit, being with Henry is a lot different than being with other people.

He never met such person that challenges him and also supports him everyday by just being themselves. Usually people would do things to impress other but for Henry, he didn't even bothered to impress Alex, he was already impressive himself.

Just last week Alex paid him and Nora a visit at the clinic during his day off and he brought lunches with him for them. Henry didn't even know Alex is there and Alex was caught in the moment seeing Henry with kids.

It wasn't just the troubled one but also the good one. From the most chaotic and feral, to the most quiet and insecure child he met, none of them had issue of being friend with him. Even the parents love him and he has his way of calming them without any medications required.

Nora caught him sneaking around the play room to see Henry interacts with the children and taking assessment for Nora before he report back to her. The play room had mirrored that works two ways and he didn't know Alex was standing behind that mirror observing him.

It pained Alex when he sees Henry tried to use his own personal trauma so he could make more sense to the children especially those teens age that was sent there against their own will. It fails Alex to see how such person with a big heart and filled with kindness and softness was abandoned by his own family just because of the sake of his sexuality.

"Creep." Nora called behind him and it startled Alex causing him to jump and he palmed his chest after seeing it was his best friend. "He's amazing." Nora says and Alex nodded with a half smile. "We need to talk." Alex says and pulled Nora towards her office and he shuts the door not wanting any interruption.

"I found a way to make Henry legal in this state." He says and Nora's eyes widen by the word. "That's great news! Tell me!" She said as she took a seat by her couch in her office and Alex paced in front of her.

"Sofia is willing to file the paperwork with the help of her old immigration officer. She said they could help filling all the gap holes since he was here. New passport, new papers, everything." Nora eyed Alex feeling there's something else behind his excitement.

"But..?" She asks and Alex stop pacing and he stood facing her, he had his hand cupped his waist as he took a deep breath. "But Henry has to go back to London and reapplied before coming back here." Nora sighs slumping her body against the couch.

"Are you worried he's not coming back?" She asks and Alex slammed himself on the couch next to Nora, exhaling his breath longly. "I'm worried I'm not gonna see him again. If his brother knows he is back in London, God knows what he would do to him." Nora stroke Alex's arm up and down trying to comfort him before she said further. "Why didn't you asks your dad for help?" Alex shot his head sharply towards her and his face is filled with anger.

"Are you fucking with me? So he would accept the fact that I need his help after everything that he did? No! It would be the last thing I needed from him." Alex huffed in anger and crossed his arm over his chest.

"Alex, you need to forgive them for what happened to June. It's not their fault, it's the choices that they made towards June and I know it haunts them till today knowing they can't do anything to make it right. But they can make it right by you, if only you would let them." She whispered and she could see Alex's eyes are red in anger and sadness.

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