Part 46

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Henry smiled finished writing his last word on the card for Alex. He pinned them together with the agreement of the house and kept the key in the small box hoping for Alex's reaction to see it tonight on their wedding night. He smiled staring at the iPod given by Ellen earlier that day, also another surprised for Alex. He remembers hearing June's voice made his heart warm for her. If only she is here to see it. If only she and Bea was here, they will be the bestest of friend in their life.

He placed the package on the table and went to the bathroom to do his night time routine before headed to bed. He grabbed his phone by the bedside and almost pressed on the call button to call Alex like he always did whenever they are apart. But he smiled thinking at messing around with Alex just for tonight to torture him. He stares at Alex's photo in his phone. It's the one they took when they are walking around the Parisian street and he had to take his photo smiling ear to ear for the ridiculous thought he had over some snails.

He turned off his phone and placed them on the bedside before he shut the light off and closed his eyes for the world. Tonight would be the last night he'll be sleeping alone. Tonight would be the last night he will be a single man and finally starting from tomorrow, he has Alex by his side as his husband forever, he hoped.

Except for the fact that Henry didn't remember getting up the next day. He didn't remember getting ready and headed to the courthouse as he promised Alex and get married and enjoy the best day of his life. All he remembers was sadness, sorrow, misery and falling deeply into the abyss of darkness. He felt his body is tied to a rope and something is pulling him deep into his nightmare and he can't be free from it.

He remembers falling or floating, feeling like he was carried away from that darkness and lifted to some place else. When he opened his eyes, all he sees was the clear blue sky and the birds are chirping above him. For the life of him, he couldn't remember this place. He sat up, his head twisted around to see for any single clue on where he is right now. Around him was nothing but a meadow covered with dandelions and field of grass and Henry felt warm, warmer than he remembers.

Henry couldn't help but feeling rather at peace and he laid back on the ground with his arm wide apart, inhaling the scent of the field and it smells like home. His eyes are closed and his nose inhaled a long breath feeling the warmth spread through his chest as he exhaled slowly. He felt relaxed, lighter, feeling like the weight over his shoulder has been lifted and he was free.

"Are you gonna lay down here all day?" A sudden voice came by his side startling him and he opened his eyes immediately and saw a person's face literally above him and blocking his view from the sun. He shot up in fright considering he just looked a seconds ago and no one was there but him. Their head bumped into each other and Henry groaned in pain and so does the other person.

"Uhm, who are you?" He asks politely and he can see the girl possibly the same age with him or probably older smiles rubbing her forehead. "I'm CJ." She introduced herself and Henry didn't know anyone by that name, only few author of books he read came to mind. "Henry." He handed out his hand for a handshake and she laughs at his gesture. "Such a gentleman." She commented and Henry couldn't figure out whether she is complimenting him or mocking him.

"Where am I? What is this place?" He asks crossing his legs on the ground and CJ sat beside him with her legs stretched and her elbow straight on the ground leaning towards the warmth of the sun. Her olive colored skin glows under the sunlight and her curl dark colored hair that reached her lower back flowed beautifully with half side up. "You're anywhere you wanted to be Henry. Its peace." She says and Henry doesn't understand what she meant by that.

"I have to go back, I'm expected somewhere." He says and abruptly stood up on the ground and felt the stabbed pain over his chest and he gasped, leaning while he grasped his chest in his fist. CJ got up in worry and holds him from the side tried to steady him from falling on the ground. She can see Henry is trying his best to ease the pain by his deep breathing and a few minutes later, he finally relaxed and his back is straight again, "What was that?" He asks and she shrugged. "No clue." She shrugs and left him to walk towards the endless field leaving Henry all by himself standing in the middle of the nowhere. So he rushed up towards her side running in small pace so he could catch up with her.

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