Part 5

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Warning- Self harm triggered

"Is everything alright?" Henry asks as they both stepped out from the cab and Alex already stepped further ahead of Henry and he could barely catch up with Alex's long legs. He just had his cast removed and he didn't want to slip on the ice and broke them again so he stopped Alex. Alex was so deep in his head and he forgets that Henry is barely managing to walk on his own after a month in cast.

"N-Nothing." He said hesitant as he pressed the elevator button rapidly and anxiously. Henry eyed him feeling his head is practically squeezing his brain right now. It's just a headache Henry, he tried to tell himself as he followed Alex towards the elevator.

They both stepped in and Alex literally stood a feet away from Henry and he still had his eyebrow crooked like he always does when he is thinking hard and Henry couldn't tell whether it's about him or he is thinking about something else.

"Alex." He called and Alex hummed still focused on his phone and didn't bothered to glance at Henry. "Can you please talk to me. I know something is wrong when you barely said a word. Usually you couldn't stop yourself and I don't mind that. But I can't handle your silenced." Henry could see Alex sighed leaning his body against the elevator wall and Henry did the same only resting the back of his head against the cold steel behind him, his eyes still kept on Alex.

"I don't know what to say Henry. I thought you promise me not to lie to me." He said and Henry turned his heavy head down and his eyebrow furrowed, "When did I promised that?" He asks and Alex finally turned to look at him.

"When I gave you shelter I expect you won't hide things from me." He says and Henry could feel the pricking headache grew when he starts to see Alex doubled in front of him. He shook his head with an exhaled breath.

"I don't know what you want me to say." He says and Alex turned around again facing the elevator door seeing they almost reached his apartment. Alex kept his silenced again and waited for the door to finally open.

As the door opened, Henry and Alex were shocked to see Miguel stood right in front of the elevator door and Henry could see him smirked before pulling Alex's shirt out from the elevator. Henry followed behind but Miguel had Alex in his grip when they both headed towards the opposite site of Alex apartment. "Alex? Home is this way." He said and Alex still in Miguel's grip by his collar and they both kissed as he pulled Alex along the way.

"You go- here." Alex said in between his kisses and Henry saw him extended his arm out holding his key card to him. "How the hell are you supposed to get in then?" He asked and Alex shrugs, "I have a spare." He says and leaned against Miguel lips and he smiled too only Henry couldn't be bothered to watch them both anymore.

"I thought you're hungry, we're gonna order food remember?" Henry tried to pull him away from Miguel but Alex was lost in his kisses. "Here." He tossed his wallet at Henry and he barely caught it out of surprised and they both already by Miguel's door.

"Order anything you want, I'm not hungry." He says and Miguel nodded in their kisses again. "I'm hungry for something else." He says as he leaned and kissed him again and Henry swore if it wasn't for the headache he is having right now, he would vomit because of what he just witnessed.

They both disappeared into Miguel's apartment leaving Henry in the middle of the hallway with Alex's wallet in one hand and the key card in the other. He couldn't understand why that guy irritate him in such way and he wished he didn't see Alex kissing him at all.

"He's not yours Henry, he'll never be." He whispered feeling the tightness in his chest grew and the knot he had in his stomach made him want to punch himself in his stomach so he wouldn't feel this pain anymore. Instead, Henry gulped his throat and walked back to Alex's apartment, alone.

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