Part 18

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As promised, two days later, Henry and Alex are packed to go on vacation in Austin where Alex childhood home are. It took them four hours and half to reach there plus an hour for the customs for Henry alone and Alex knew how frustrating it is for Henry to go through the customs questions even though he is here legally.

Alex took a ride from the limo services at the airport and it drove them to their destination. It took them another hour to reach Alex's home and Henry would have thought it was like a suburb where he had pictured in his mind, but it was totally the opposite.

Alex childhood home was actually out in a ranch and it took them almost few miles just to reach from the entrance to the actual home and it was surrounded by trees and field which Henry loves. His eyes are glued to his side of the window and Alex laughs at his reaction.

"Alex I'm in love." Henry says as soon they are out from the car. Alex tipped the guy for helping him with their bags and he thanked him before he leaves. Henry's eyes are practically everywhere around the ranch. The patio itself can make another living area and Alex could see Henry was fascinated by the wide field that had few horses out grass eating and he didn't even realized Oscar and Ellen is already standing on the stairs to greet them.

It was dusk when they arrived and the sun almost setting on the horizon creating the wide view orange sky and Henry couldn't peel his eyes away. Out in the field he could see a large oak tree and a swing hanged on one of the branches with patio furniture right underneath it and he swore he could see a creak but he need to see it for himself tomorrow.

"Henry?" Alex called and he finally returned his attention towards Alex's parents by the stairs. He went to Ellen to give her a hug and she kissed him on his temple before he shook Oscar's hand but Oscar pulls him for a hug as well. "You're practically family. We don't do handshake." He says and Henry smiled in happiness.

"Come on in, dinner is ready." Ellen says and they both entered with their bags in their hands and Alex guided Henry towards their room, his old bedroom. "Boys. This is not a hotel, Henry you stayed in the guest quarters." Ellen says and Henry could actually heard the deep southern accent coming from her.

"Mum! We practically living together, I think we are okay staying in the same room." Alex protest and they could see Ellen had her hand over her waist staring at them both attempting to climb the stairs. "Well Henry, if you are comfortable sharing a single bachelor bed with Alex be my guest. Don't come cry to me if you fell off to the floor." She says and Henry turned his gaze towards Alex. "Show me the guest room." He told Alex and he could see how annoyed Alex by his eye roll.

It was a bit warmer here in Texas compared to New York and Henry barely had any normal summer clothes. All of his clothes are long sleeves and coats. He was unpacking his stuffs in his guest room, trying not to have wrinkles on his shirt when Alex walked in.

"Settling in?" He asks and Henry looked up holding his stacks of shirt before he placed them in the drawers. "I don't think my clothes are fitting for this weather." Henry said and Alex smiled before he opened the other wardrobe and revealed a line of clothing inside.

"This used to be my cousin's room. I think he won't mind you wear his." He took out couple of shirts and flannel for Henry and he smiled. It was a perfect size for him although some of it are a bit bigger for Henry but he took it happily with no complaints.

Alex stares at Henry unpacking his clothes neatly and his fingers stroking on the shirt trying to avoid wrinkle is something Alex find it fascinating. For someone who had lives on the street, Henry doesn't seem to be a guy who is messy and dirty and the fact that when he came to the ER that night, he wasn't in a dirty clothes, except for the blood and the dirt he got from being hit, his clothes are just worn out. Henry is neat and a tidy person.

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