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After Ellen and Oscar came back bringing food for both Henry and Alex, they gobbled in hunger and relief came over both of Alex's parents as they saw him eating with Henry. Although Henry barely managed to finish half a burger but it was satisfying to see him back on his usual self, so does Alex. "The best burger I had in years." Henry claims and all of them laughs at his reaction.

The doctor came back to check on Henry and surprised flashes all over his faces, Alex can see Sophia joined them from behind and she had a stunt expression over her face as well seeing Henry up and awake sitting on the bed with food right before him. "Seriously? Back from the coma and the first thing you ate is a greasy burger?" She asks and Henry smirked at her. "Good to see you as well Sophia. Sorry to disappoint." Henry can see she hides her smiles over her face by looking down on the chart in her hand.

"Something's wrong?" Alex asks concerned over her silenced considering she is not here for visiting. "I don't know what to say. He was declared brain dead and there is no brain activity over the past ten days and now- he's - here and awake. I don't know how it happened or how to explain it." She says earning them all a worried look over Henry. "Does it even matter?" Oscar asks and they all turned their head towards him.

"Does it even matter now considering that Henry is awake and alive. We should be celebrating not stressing around looking for answers. Right?" He asks them and Alex smiled at his father's words. "I don't give a fuck you're telling me that he is brain dead before, maybe you're wrong. You can't explain this so I don't want to hear it." Alex stood from the chair besides Henry and Henry can feel the rage is rising in Alex seeing his fist balled up next to him. He took Alex's hand in his and slowly he exhaled and his stiffed fingers are relaxed in Henry's.

"Everyone just calm down. Sophia is doing her job as a doctor, my doctor. She has gone by everything in the book and you can't blame her. I don't blame her saying that I was brain dead and I know she is following the rules, but she did everything that she could to help us." Henry saw the look on Sophia's face soften at his words. "Thank you for saving my life." Henry words made her eyes glistened with tears but she hides it well.

They had to examine him thoroughly considering that he just woke up for ten days coma and now he is eating burgers with Alex and his parents.

Alex and his parents waited outside while they are examining Henry inside the room. Alex leaned against the wall when his eyes caught the delivery guy brought a bouquet of flowers for one of the patients here. "Dad, you're still ordained from your friend's wedding?" Alex suddenly asks earning Oscar a confused look, "I think, if those things doesn't have any expiry. Why?" He asks his son and Ellen had a wide smile on her face. "Oh my gosh Alex you're gonna get married here?" She squealed in excitement and Alex rolled his eyes before hiding his own smile at her reaction.

"Think I don't want to wait anymore. We don't need a wedding, we just need paperwork and be done with our vows. I'm tired of overthinking things." He says sighing at the thought of him and Henry's future seems bleak almost 24 hours ago.

They were both interrupted from the thought and excitement when the doctors and the nurses came out of Henry's room finished with their examination. "Is he alright?" Alex asks them and Sophia nods towards the rest and they all left leaving her alone to do the talking. "He's fine for now. We removed the catheter so he will move to the bathroom soon. Other than that he is- fine." She says and Alex sighed crossing his arm over his chest.

"You said that already, anything else should we worry about?" Alex asks sternly and Sophia pressed her lips together. "Alex, we just saw Henry lying down on that bed for ten days, no movement, no prospect of hope and suddenly- he woke up. But that doesn't mean that he is healed entirely. He might still had seizure, he might still had migraines and he is still not out of danger yet."

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