Part 32

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Five years, five fucking years since Henry left Alex all alone in that apartment with his heart shattered and broken too pieces. Alex had never felt this kind of pain in his life. He was lucky enough his parents are flying over from Austin that day otherwise he wouldn't know what or how to continue his life without Henry by his side. But he remembers, he remembers exactly how he felt that day after he read that letter. He screams, he cried for the next few weeks at the thought of Henry left him without so much of discussing about it. He hates him and loves him at the same time but he was too angry about it and no matter what, he still loves Henry till today.

Alex couldn't remember how long he was sitting on the floor crying his heart out after reading Henry's letter. All he remembers was that the doorbell rings and he went to open the door holding on to the smallest hope that it was Henry by the door changing his mind over his stupidest idea of leaving. But as soon as he did, his parent's concerned face came into the view and he backs away for them to enter and he fell instantly on the cold hard floor sobbing.

Ellen immediately caught him and hugged her son in her tight embrace not knowing what had happened before they even arrived. The letter crumpled in Alex's hand and they both read it only then they understood why Alex is sobbing like a mess right now. They couldn't get Alex to do anything, he won't eat, he won't talk and most importantly Alex won't be able to function as a person right now. So they decides to take him back to Austin and called Sophia letting her know that Alex is taking a sabbatical from work starting that day.

It took him weeks to even starts functioning normally and months to even go back to work. Henry really did broke Alex harder than anything else in his life. Alex refused to talk about him since he managed to stop having panic attacks at work. He even moved out from his apartment and found a new one few blocks away so he could live again. Everything in that house reminds him of Henry and no one can take that away.

The first time he brought Henry home and their first kiss in the elevator, it was everything to Alex. At the slightest moment of thought about Henry would break Alex and he had to move on. He couldn't find Henry anywhere, not even with the help of the police officer in finding him. It's always triggering him whenever he's at work, a body would came and he would thought of Henry. He would finally had his peace and closure in seeing Henry's dead body right here where they first met but after few years, he stopped waiting.

Alex even met someone new in his life after five years of waiting for Henry. They met at the cafe and he is a lawyer living here in New York. They both shared the same interest, same coffee order even and it made Alex hope again. After five years of holding on to Henry he finally had an interest in dating another man, although Gideon isn't anything like Henry, Alex had tried to open his heart again for someone just like Henry told him too.

He never did tell Gideon about Henry. He just told him how he had a very bad break up with his old boyfriend and he never did question Alex more knowing how hurt he was talking about him. He loves how Gideon always giving him space in letting him grief over Henry. Even when sometimes he had his moment of weakness thinking about Henry and their memories together, Gideon never questioned him.

Just like tonight, it's Christmas Eve and they both just had dinner with Nora and Alex's parents. They both decides to join Alex and Gideon for the dinner since it had been five years since Alex hosting a proper Christmas dinner after Henry.

Alex stood by the sink washing over the plates when his mind wanders at the thought of Henry. His blonde hair, his hazel eyes, his lips. It took every strength in him to forget Henry but tonight is different. Even though he is surrounded with the people he loves, he still looked around them and trying to find Henry in between them. His hand shakes and his lips trembled and before he knows it, his tears fell on his cheek.

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