Part 27

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A/N: Don't hate me for this.

It was already ten in the morning by the time they went out from the hotel and Henry had Alex walked and had them taken underground tube till they reached London famous market, The Camden. They strolled around and Henry stopped by the flower shops eyeing the bouquet of lilies when Alex noticed how he was staring at it instead of buying them. "Are you okay?" Alex came to his side and tangled his hand over Henry's.

Henry was lost in his trance when he felt Alex's hand in his and he turned to his side with a smile. He exhaled a breath licking his lower lips nodding at him. "Would you fine boys wanted to buy these?" The lady asked them and Henry smiled at her kind words. "Yes. These and those daisies, the pink one." Alex told her and Henry smiled at him.

"I remember you told me your mother loves lilies. I bet it would be nice for those daisies to be place on Bea's too right?" Alex asks and he could see Henry's eyes started to tear. Alex cupped his cheek in his palm before he leaned for a kiss on Henry's forehead. "Thank you." He whispered and Alex nods. "You boys alright?" The lady came back and carried the flowers wrapped up in a brown paper in her hands when she caught Henry's eyes in tears and Alex half hugged him. "Yeah, here, keep the change." Alex handed her the money and took the flowers from her hand before they both left the store with Henry by his arm.

The ride to the cemetery was a while and Alex kept stealing glances at Henry beside him in a cab. Henry was lost in his mind staring at the world outside of the window when he noticed the familiar road. "We're here." Henry whispered and Alex saw the wide arch of the gate entrance and saw the gravestones from behind the fence.

Henry paid the cab driver and thanked him before he went out followed by Alex. Henry stood before the gate and hold out his hand for Alex next to him. Alex smiled and tangled his fingers over Henry's palm and they both walked together into the cemetery.

They both walked up the hill hand in hand when Alex noticed Henry was quiet, barely said anything since they arrived. "Hey." He nudge his shoulder over Henry's and he turned his gaze to his side to meet Alex. "Are you okay?" He asks and Henry sighed turning his gaze on the steps below his feet. "Ask me again later." He says and Alex nods before he wrapped his arm around Henry's shoulder and continued their journey.

Henry's parents grave was a bit further up the hill and Alex could feel almost as if he was working out in his normal hike by now. "Jesus if you tell me it would be this far, I would have dressed up in a running shoes and tights." Henry chuckled next to him and he didn't even break a sweat. "We both know how I love you in your tights." Henry says and Alex smirked. "Damn Fox, I knew you were checking me out." Alex jokes making Henry grinned widely. "Who couldn't." He replied and Alex stops in his steps dragging Henry's hand back to face him. Henry turned to face him in the middle of the tracks waiting for him to say something but instead, Alex pulls him towards his chest and kissed him hard on his lips.

Henry loves when Alex kissed him instantly and spontaneous like this. Although the kiss was non sensual and he loves Alex to death, but there is still this feeling he had inside of him that keeps pulling him away from him. Henry released his lips from Alex and rested his forehead over him and exhaled in one breath in sync with Alex.

"I love you Henry, remember that." Alex could sense the tension in Henry every single time he was worried or his mind is too messed up and always Alex would find a way to help him released those tension. But sometimes, all he can do is be there for him. As much as now.

They continued walking and not further away when Henry stops again and gasped. Alex could feel him shaking in the coldness and his breaths quickened when he can finally see his parent's gravestone came into the view. Alex saw the stone from far cause it was practically standout than any other gravestone here.

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