Part 15

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Henry felt the warmth of his body started to press him more into his chest and made him finally awake. He flickered his eyes opened and adjusted to the room finding him in bed underneath the blanket and the monitor beeps next to him in slow regular rhythm. He looked around the room finding someone particular but failed.

He raised himself on his elbow pulling on the oxygen tube away from his face cause it was hurting his ears and below his neck and he breaths normally into the room air. His eyes sets on the curling body right below his bed on his side and he felt relieve.

He reached down to his side and shook Alex to wake, "Alex." He called stroking his curly hair with his fingers and soon he opened his eyes wide in shock thinking Henry was in troubled and he immediately sat up on the floor. "What? What is it? Are you in pain?" He asks confused to the surrounding when he opened his eyes.

He could see the look on Henry's face dropped when he shot up like that, and soon relaxed seeing him fine on the bed. "I'm fine, can you please get off the floor and lay down here with me?" He asks and Alex exhaled before he stood and climbed on the bed under Henry's blanket and Henry gives way so he could fit in together by his side.

Henry laid on his chest as Alex wrapped his arm around Henry's shoulder and they both exhaled in relieve. "Why didn't you go home and rest?" Henry finally asks and he could feel Alex is staring at the ceiling above them circling his fingers over Henry's arm.

"I couldn't leave you. I was worried that-" he stopped and Henry looks up to meet his gaze and he could see the redness in Alex's eyes glistened. Henry leaned to kiss him on his cheek and he smiled turning his gaze towards him. "I'm fine. I'm safe." He said and Alex nodded before he leaned to kiss him on his forehead.

Henry felt Alex finger running through his hair trying to feel the bump that Miguel had caused and he sighed, "It's coming down now. How's your headache?" He asks and Henry silent, he nodded softly but Alex know better, "Don't lie Henry." He said and Henry looked up to meet his eyes again, "It's better, I think the medication helps cause I don't feel my head shaking and I don't feel like vomiting."

Alex nodded hugging him closer and kissed the top of his head, "How's your stomach?" He asks and Henry tugs the shirt on his abdomen and nodded, "Better but the heat, I can still feel it." He said and Alex nodded again, "I think they're gonna let you starts on liquids today if you're feeling better and we will see." Henry nodded, "Can I drink some now? My throat hurts so bad." He says and his hands went to touch his neck feeling the pricking pain on the inside.

Alex sighed again before he sat up and get off the bed only to circle around Henry's bed and went to his other bedside. He poured some water from the jug mixed with some hot water and Henry sat up watching him. He sat on the bed next to Henry and handed him the glass and Henry gulped it down in seconds. "Not so much, your stomach is empty, I don't want you to vomit." He says and Henry nodded before he gave him back the glass and laid on the bed followed by Alex after. They returned to their old position only Alex was on the other side and Henry circled his arm around Alex torso pressing his cheek on Alex's chest.

"I swear I saw your parents yesterday? Was it a dream?" He asks and Alex lightly laughs at him, "They're here, for you." He said and Henry looked up confused. "Why?" He asks and Alex returned the gaze, "Because they care about you. We all are. Especially me." Alex whispered the last word and Henry smiled pressing his cheek deeper.

"Thank you." He said and he could see Alex's face dropped, "Don't. I don't deserved it." He said and Henry can hear the break in his voice. "Stop blaming yourself Alex. All my life I know how people look at me. But I know you and I know how much you care. You don't look at me that way. Not like anyone else." Henry cupped his cheek and he could see a single tear fell on Alex's temple when he blinks.

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