Part 45

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Three days in the hospital Alex has already lose his mind over Henry. Every day, he sat there by his side, listening to his heart beeping over the machine and observed his chest raising up and down in a steady pace and he grateful for it. Every single breath, every single beats counted and Alex didn't want to miss any of it.

But every single minute is torture for Alex and he wished he could finally see Henry waking up. Every single day he dreamt of him opening his eyes and wished this is it, that it was over and be done with it. That Henry survived this and will be his for as long as he shall breathe.

But on the fourth night, when Alex was lying down besides him on the hospital bed, Nora is by his side on the couch snuggling into her shawl and reading her book. The monitor starts beating differently. It wasn't Henry usual heart beats that paced between fifty to seventy, it was lower. It made Alex jumped hearing the beats barely audible and it's further beats apart, slower.

"Hen?" He whispered as he sat up and got off the bed and saw the line over the monitor beats from forty, to thirty and he panicked. "Called the doctor, right now!" He raised his voice at her and she jumps on her feet placing her book down next to her. "Hen, baby listen to me. Come back to me. Don't wander off, come back baby." He tapped Henry's cheek softly trying to find some way not losing him right now.

The doctor and nurses came in with their crash cart considering Henry is full code patient and they will do their best in saving his life although every single one of them practically anticipate this would happened. They placed the monitor pads over Henry's chest and starts giving him some medication to bring back his heart rate.

"Henry, listen to my voice, come back baby." Alex could only stood by the door and Nora held him strongly knowing they are not to be interrupted. "Henry! Don't you fucking dare! Don't you fucking dare leave me!" He screamed and Nora can see how devastated he is right now seeing Henry is at verge of dying and there is nothing that he can do.

But also it seems like the universe is siding on them and Nora can hear Henry's heart beat starts beating more rapid than earlier and Alex exhaled in relief. He leaned his back against the wall before he slides down on the floor with his hand in his curls and more tears coming down on his face. "He's alright, Henry's alright Alex. Hold on to that." Nora whispered next to him and stroked his arm assuringly. "Until when? I need him to wake up now. I need him Nora." Alex cried into his knees and saw the doctor kneeled right in front of him palming him on his hand.

"It's like someone is looking out for him up there. He's a fighter, I do hope he will wake up." The doctor says and Alex nods and saw them left the room leaving only him, Nora and sleeping Henry on the bed like he does for the last few days.

Five days in and Alex still there waiting for Henry. He couldn't got himself to go to work and talk to people. The only person he could talk to was either Nora and Sophia and mostly Henry. Alex is lying on the bed with Henry being turned to his side every two hourly so he won't damage his skin on his back and for most part, Alex did it himself. He helped cleaned Henry up, changed him, groomed him but only Henry, never himself.

He stares at Henry's handsome pale face with his blonde hair in a neat comb thanked to Alex cause he knows how Henry hates his hair in the morning. The sight of him sleeping next to Alex is almost like their usual morning together. Only this time, Alex wouldn't know when Henry is going to wake up exactly.

He raised his fingers stroking the line of Henry's face from his temple down on his jaw and felt nothing but tears pooling in his eyes. "It's kind of ironic isn't it Hen? The prince is the one who supposed to be saving the damsel in distress, not the other way around. Are you expecting me to be the prince now and saved you?" Alex chuckled softly staring at Henry's lips as he pictured himself saving him. He couldn't help but to try and so he leaned his lips pressing on Henry's dry, cracked one with his eyes shut tight hoping that when he did opened them, Henry is awake. But soon as their lips apart, Alex opened his eyes and saw Henry still unconscious made him thousand times sadder than earlier. He had hoped, he wished it would help in anyway possible but he knows it was nothing but a daft pubescent imagination for him.

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