Part 37

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They moved Henry to one of the rooms to stay in for the night. Shan had made sure Henry stayed in one of the private room being a most important benefactor and they did. Alex followed and stayed beside him all night waiting for Henry to awake and they had so much to talk about. He can see how Henry stirred middle of the night muttering and mumbling and he swore he heard him call Alex's name under his breath and it broke his heart. Shan told him that Henry never fails mentioning his name in his sleep. He never stop since he awoken from his coma.

When the morning light came shining into the room Alex had fall asleep by Henry side on the chair. He woke up to Henry's fingers triggered in his hand. He raised his head and saw Henry's eyes flutters to adjust the light in the room. "Hey." Alex grabbed Henry's cold fingers in his and Henry turned his neck to the side wincing at the pain. "Alex." He whispered feeling the pain over his head grew and his eyes closed tightly creating wrinkled over the side of his temple.

"Hurts." Henry mutters and Alex can see Shan is already sprinting out to get the nurses. "It's okay, they're getting you the meds." Alex says and he felt like the words came biting his tongue. He used to let Henry hold his pain for not being able to take any sort of painkillers and now he wasn't sure of Henry state at the moment.

Soon the nurses came and checked on Henry's vital and they shine the light over his eyes making him groaned more in pain. They had the collar removed from Henry's neck and the bed raised up to 30 degrees. He can see the pain over Henry's face as he sat up and they shot him the medicine right in his veins. Henry sighed in frustration feeling like he was invalid and incapable of doing anything being in this condition.

Few minutes later Shan left the room to go back to the hotel to get Henry's stuffs and Alex stayed. He sat by the chair next to Henry and they both sat in silenced. Neither one of them said anything that was meant to say. All the emotions, the words that kept playing inside their mind almost seems vague right now.

"Can't believe we're back like this." Henry says and Alex can hear the hoarseness in his voice. He poured the water from the jug into the glass and gave it to Henry. He winced when he tried to raise his arm and Alex pulled back the glass not wanting him to accidentally spilt the water all over on his lap. So instead, he held the glass firmed and brought it closer to Henry's lips watching as he took a sip."Thanks." Henry told him and Alex still remained silence.

"Say something." Henry asks him feeling the awkward silence raised in between them and Alex could only sighed. "What do you want me to say?" He told Henry and Henry let his gaze lowered to his lap while Alex is burning hole staring at him. "I know you're upset. I can't change anything. You moved on, I respect that." Henry can feel Alex is clenching his jaw tight next to him before he brings his hand over his face.

"I did. I moved on because you told me too. But why did you came back? You could have go on for five years without having to see me. What's five years more? Why now? Why ruined what I had with him?" Henry couldn't answer, his lips sealed shut before he turned his gaze back at Alex next to him.

"Then why are you still here?" He asks him knowing Alex stayed on that uncomfortable chair all night for him.

"Why did you stayed all night? You could have left me and go back to your boyfriend. Why did you stay?" Alex leaned his back against the chair crossing his arm over his chest. "I would. But my boyfriend isn't here right now. He had jobs in LA so if I go home, I would still be alone." Alex says and Henry nodded. "Then go. We've already seen each other, that's it. I can't change the past and you can't change your present. All we have is the future. Maybe someday we will meet again, who knows." Henry can see Alex is staring at him deeply feeling him suppressing all his feelings towards Henry.

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