Part 42

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Alex woke up the next day being snuggled away by Henry from behind him. Henry's long pale arm wrapped tightly around his body holding on to his wrist and he smiled seeing Henry's soft snores from behind his neck. He slowly moves away so he could get up and made them some breakfast and Henry is still deeply asleep considering they just got off from the flight yesterday and he noticed Henry was having a hard time to fell asleep. Probably around three or four in the morning only he noticed Henry actually slept soundly.

He went to the bathroom to do his usuals morning routine and headed out of the bedroom closing the door behind him. He went straight into the living room and found one of Henry's bag still by the side of the couch and smiled. He headed to the kitchen and starts on cooking Henry's breakfast. He pulls out eggs, some vegetables and bread from the fridge, juggling on the item in his hand before he placed them on the countertop and starts cooking.

By the time he's done, he can hear his doorbell rang and he wonders who could it be this early and his thought immediately went to Nora. He smiled considering he told her every single thing except for his engagement with Henry cause he wanted to make it a surprise for her later. He removed the ring from his finger and hides it in his pants pocket before he opened the door of his apartment with a wide grin on his face.

"Good morning." He smiled greeting the person he thought would be Nora only ended up was his parents and his eyes widen with his mouth gaped apart. "Alex." His mother says and he can see both of his parents are not here for vacation but rather something else. "Ma, Papi. What are you doing here?" He asks and Ellen turned to look at Oscar by her side before she shove past her son shoving her bag into his chest and stepped inside the apartment.

"Fuck." Alex cursed under his breath before he closed the door of his apartment and turned to face his parents standing in the living room and they caught the smell of the breakfast Alex just made in the kitchen.

"Smells good mijo. But it doesn't look like you're cooking for one person." He says and Alex crossed his arm over his chest standing right before them with clear confused look on his face. "Why are you guys here?" He asks again and Ellen is not happy with him right now. He can clearly sees it on her face. Her jaw are clenched tight and her lips formed in one thin line. 

"You didn't call, you didn't text! All we know is that you and Gideon broke up, and you went to Paris. What the hell Alex?!" Ellen starts and Alex cocked his head to the side. "Wait how did you know I broke up with Gideon?" He asks his mother and Ellen sighs leaning against the couch, right next to Henry's bag. "Who do you think?" She asks and Alex rolled his eyes at them. "Fucking Sophia." He cursed and his mother retorts. "What? No! Gideon. He called and told me that you and him broke up and he was thanking me for everything." Ellen told him and Alex face contorted into more confused look. 

"Why the hell Gideon would called you? That's messed up." He told them and Oscar shakes his head, "Why Alex? Why did you guys break up? He's a good guy, he's a stable guy, why did you guys gave up after everything?" Ellen pleads and Alex scratched the back of his neck trying to figure out how to answer her questions.

"Mum, again, this is my life and my choice." Alex defends and Ellen scoffed at him. "Is it because of Henry? Alex we've been through this. Henry is gone, he's not coming back sweetie. Gideon is the stable person in your life and you should appreciate him more than what Henry did. Please considered it." Ellen puts her palm together practically begging for her son to get back with his boyfriend and Alex bites his lower lips together trying to figure out how exactly to tell his parents.

"I kind of have something else to tell you." He says and Ellen sighed leaning against the couch again before her legs collides with the beg next to her. "This is nice, is it new? This is expensive Alex! When did you get this? I've always wanted this one. Honey this is the one I told you I saw at Grand Lafayette last year in Paris but they are out of stock." Ellen is distracted away from the conversation making Alex annoyed at her right now. "MAMI! Listen!" Alex yells at her and Ellen was taken away by his tone.

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