Part 38

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A/N: This is a very long chapter and I hope you guys don't get bored at reading it. But I assure you, all of you won't get disappointed. 

As soon as Alex and Nora came back to Henry's room, they both saw Henry already up standing by the bed putting on his shirt that he wore yesterday and was halfway buttoning it when he turned to face Alex. He can see half of his chest exposed on the top part before his eyes went back to Henry's smiling face. "What the hell are you doing?" He asks angrily.

"I'm being released soon. Might as well changed into a better clothes while I wait." Henry replied and he'd already finished buttoning his shirt before he went to grab his phone by the table and as he was about to lean down, he gasped in pain that had him gripped on his side. "Hey, hey." Alex came to his side holding on to him worrying that he might fall but Henry relaxed soon after and took a seat on the chair on the side. "I'm fine, I forgot." He says and Alex sighed.

"At least eat your breakfast. The discharge will take some time. Plus Shan is not here yet." Alex told him and Nora placed the food on the table right in front of him. Alex took a seat next to Henry on the long couch and Nora next to him when Henry watches them both bickered about who's coffee and who's sandwich it was. He smiled feeling the warmth spread all over his chest feeling it felt right where he belong for once since five years they are apart.

Few hours later Shan came by bringing Henry his duffel bag and he changed in the bathroom. Shan saw Alex and Nora still by his side and he sighed in relief seeing them both keeping Henry's company. "Thank you." He said and they both shared the same expression over their face. "Why?" Nora asks and Shan smiled. "This is the first time I feel Henry is where he supposed to be. He used to tell me about you guys and I felt like I was there. How you, Nora was always there for him and for Alex. You are like their sisters that they both had lost."

Alex turned his head to his side and his eyes sets on Nora's side of her face. She smiled and her eyes glistened before she returned the gaze back at Alex. "Somebody has to take care of these idiots." She says and Alex laughs joined by Shan as well. They both still smiling when Henry came out of the bathroom wearing his long sleeves jumper and his casual pants. He had brushed his teeth and washed his face when he came out, he looked fresh than earlier. Alex couldn't help staring at Henry's wiping his hand on the paper towel before he tossed it in the trash can.

"Shan, what time did the captain said to you?" Henry asks and Shan pulled out his phone to check on the message, "Uhm- yeah, about that. I uh- he said that they had some technical failure and it's still a no fly yet. He will let me know when. I'm so sorry sir." Shan told him and Henry was about to reply when Alex interrupted them both. "Wait, you're leaving already?" He asks and Henry can see the look on Alex's face almost pleading for him.

"I had too, work and all." He says and Alex felt the strained fall in his stomach pulling him deeper. He will lose Henry again and he might never see him anymore. "Stay." Alex says and Henry looked up to meet his gaze while they faced each other. "I can't Alex." Henry told him and went to gave Shan his bag and he handed him his phone.

"Guys, a minute. Please." Alex told Nora and Shan and they both nodded before they left the room. Henry stares at both of them before they left and Nora smiled at him nodding in assurance for Henry before she stepped out and Shan closed the door right after. Henry inhaled sharply before he took a seat on the couch where Alex sat earlier and placed his phone down on the table. "Talk." Henry told him and he can see Alex scratched the back of his neck pacing right in front of him.

Alex tried to find the right word to tell Henry in his mind right now. Nothing can make this a little less awkward and he didn't want Henry to see him still hoping on their loves.

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