Part 41

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A/N: This is another loooooong chapter considering I have too much to put in finishing this story.  We are almost there, I hope and I will miss every single words and reaction from you guys. Love you. Enjoy the chapter, warning ~ I don't hold responsible for anyone happiness and smiles over reading this chapter. 

Henry went back to Paris as scheduled although his body might be there but his mind and his heart is left back in New York. They texted, they called, everyday for the past weeks and Alex knew Henry is busy with his work. Sometimes the only time they had to talk was when Henry is in the car headed to his meetings and it was brief and Alex can hear the tiredness in his voice.

"I miss you in my arms Hen." Alex whispered into his phone as they both in one of their calls. Henry sighed with a smile on his face before he replied to Alex. "I miss you more baby. I wish you were here with me." Henry says and Alex was silenced. "I-I didn't mean- I mean, I'm not asking or anything but, it was just a thought." He says and Alex kept his silenced further making Henry worried of what he is thinking right now.

"I wish I was there too." He finally says and Henry sighed in relief. Henry was currently at his office when he called Alex cause he was missing him especially to hear his voice. He saw Shan walked in and he nods at him. "Alex, I have work to do, I'll talk to you when I got home?" It was horrible for them with their time difference being six hours away. Like right now, Henry is at his office around two in the afternoon while Alex just woke up and was about to go to work when he had the call. "Of course babe. Take care of yourself, I love you." He says and Henry smiled, "I love you more." He replied and Shan pressed his lips trying his best to suppress his smile.

"Don't you dare say anything. I will have you work till midnight." Henry says not even lifting up his head towards him. "I'm glad you happy sir." He says and Henry sighed before he smiled his half smile. "Why are you here?" He asks him and Shan handed him an iPad over his table and his eyebrow furrowed in confusion. "I think I found a place for you." He scrolled the screen with his finger showing it to Henry and he stares at it.

"Brownstone? As in New York?" He looked up to meet Shan's eyes and he nods at him. "I think we both knew where your heart is sir." Henry sighed returning the iPad back to him and his face clearly confused at the gesture. "Sir?" He asked and Henry continued signing of papers over his table. "We're not there yet Shan, it's too early." Henry states and Shan sighed.

"Sir, I- I need to tell you something." Henry hummed in response not bother to lift his eyes from the papers. "I'm resigning soon." He says and it caught Henry's attention. "Wait, what?" He asks placing his pen down on the table and his eyes caught Shan's face. "Why? A-Are you tired of me?" He asks concerned and Shan felt his heart dropped in his stomach.

He shook his head at him, "Sir, it was an honor to take care of you. But I'm getting married soon. I can't stay in Paris anymore. I'd definitely can't stayed 24 hours with you anymore after I got married." Shan says and Henry lowered his gaze over the table and nodded before he smiled looking up to Shan's face. "Congratulations." He stood up and went around the table before he hugged Shan. He was caught off guard seeing Henry suddenly wrapped his arms around him and he returned the favor.

"You bastard! How on earth did you find time to meet a girl? When's the wedding?" He asks after they both pulled away from the hug. "Few months I hope. She's my high school girlfriend." He says and Henry nodded at him and went back to his table pulling out his cheque book and scribbled on the small piece of paper before he tore it and gave it to him. "A little wedding gift." He says and Shan almost reluctant to take it from him but Henry is persuasive when he grabbed Shan's hand and placed the paper in his palm. "My gift to both of you. May you have a long happy life with her." He wished and Shan could feel his heart drops further seeing the pain over Henry's face.

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