Part 13

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Alex felt helpless, an hour ago he was blaming Henry for destroying his own life just like how his sister were and right now Henry is fighting for his life that he wasn't intentionally hurt. Alex was furious when Sofia chased him out from Henry side but he knew for fact that if he is the one inside saving a patient, he would chased the family out too.

So here he was sitting on the floor in front of Resus not minding the people who passed by seeing him so miserable and tired. "Alex?" A sudden tapped on his shoulder startled him and made him jumped on his feet. "Nora."

Alex wrapped his arms around Nora's small petite body, compared to his tall build. Nora stroke small circles around his back and he immediately pulled away from her hug. "What happened?" She asks and her face clearly worried when she heard about Henry.

Only yesterday she saw Henry smiling and playing with the patient although she could admit Henry was a bit out of place and she thought it was just because he was tired.

"I don't know. I honestly don't know. How is he yesterday?" Alex asks and Nora could see how red his eyes are from crying and she never thought Alex would be this caring about a person, he must have love Henry that much. She thought.

"He was usual, except-" Nora pulls away and sat on the chairs by the wall and Alex went to her side waiting for her to finish. "What? What happened?" He asks and Nora shook her head before returning her gaze at him. "He coughs a lot yesterday, like bad coughs. Some of parents worried he might come down with something and gave it to the children but I assured them is not. He was a bit tired yesterday, he barely said much."

Alex sighs when he heard, that was not what he needed right now. He wanted to know if Henry was actually using or someone tried to drug him but why? Why would someone wanted to hurt Henry, he thought. But he was distracted when he saw Sofia came out of Resus looking at him in anger after she took her gloves off. She tossed the gloves into one of the yellow trash can and went to wash her hands.

Alex and Nora waited for her as she continued to wash her hand and wiped them by the paper towel on the side before she returned her gaze towards Alex.

"How is he?" He asks and Sofia still clutching on the paper in her hand tossed them into the trash before she sighed. "Are you sure you care?" She asks and Alex couldn't face her and it made Nora curious. "Wait, what happened? Why won't you?" She asks and Sofia adverted her thoughts at her.

"This guy was so sure Henry was using and forgot ONE simple assessment that he practically does for every single patient here. For every single day you worked here, for three fucking years, and yet you missed it on him. The one you told me you can't bear to live without. The one you promised to take care of him when you weren't supposed too."

Alex couldn't look into Sofia's eyes or he would break in pieces, "What was the one thing you forgot Alexander?" She asks and Alex gulped his throat feeling like he was here the first time since six years ago during his student time. The first time he met Sofia and how intimidating was to be working under her. But the years passed as he get to know her, she was actually the best doctor and the best mentor for Alex.

"Checking the pupil." Alex says and she sighs. "Even if Henry is using again, the pupil will give you the exact answer, it was pin point and you know it by book. If you had check, you would noticed his pupil is unequal and the soon you knew it was by textbook Alex! His brain is injured! We had delayed his CT by letting him here in the ER for hours and he is bleeding in the inside of his brain. Minutes later he would probably be dead for all we know cause I trusted you for his history. I TRUSTED you for his care and you closed your eyes for something as simple as that and made me disregard my assessment!"

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