Part 43

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A/N: Please don't be mad at me. 

Alex let his parents settled in the guest room and Henry insisted for them to go and enjoy their day when they could while he stayed back and work. Even though he is miles away but his work never stops. Alex hated how Henry had to continue working although he is barely recovering and here he was on his phone while his hands moves rapidly over the laptop by the corner of Alex's living space. He had a corner side table with his computer on and Henry had made a home there drowning in his work.

"I hate to see Henry this busy." Ellen came to Alex side as he cleaned up their breakfast and he slightly jumped by her sudden appearance. "Yeah, he is kind of a billionaire right now mum. Means no break." Alex says and Ellen can't keep her eyes off Henry by the table with his eyes sets dead on the laptop before him.

Alex poured himself a coffee and took a sip while he stayed in the kitchen with his mother while his father is by the balcony enjoying his cigar although his mother hated him for smoking, but she can't help loving the way Oscar look holding on to the cigar in between his lips. Alex poured a glass of water before he headed to their bedroom and headed back into the living room and headed to Henry with the glass of water in his hand.

Ellen witnessed him handing Henry his glass of water from behind him and dropped a couple of pills on his palm before he took it and drank the water from the glass. Alex leaned to kiss Henry on his temple before Henry continued back on his work while Alex went back to the kitchen and joined his mother. "What is that for?" Ellen asks seeing Alex put back the pill bottle inside his pocket. "For his seizure. He has took take it every day for the rest of his life." Alex says taking a sipped on his coffee.

Ellen sighed next to him as they both seated by the kitchen table and Ellen placed her reassuring hand on her son's shoulder. "This is not what you had in mind isn't it?" She asks and Alex sighed smiling at her. "This is exactly what I dreamt off. Being here with you guys and Henry is safe and sound. I just wish June was still here." He whispered and Ellen sighed leaning her head against Alex's shoulder. "Me too hun. She would adore Henry." Alex smiles at her word and his thought went to Henry's sister Bea.

"Henry had a sister once. She killed herself too after being tortured by her husband. The same guy who raped him when he was just twelve." Alex noticed how fast his mother shot up and turned her eyes at him, "Jesus Alex! Why didn't you mentioned this before?" She asks him and he shrugged, "It's not my place plus after Henry's gone, I don't want to keep reminding myself what that bastard did to him, he is the reason why Henry left that night. Now I got him back but only pieces of him." Alex stares at Henry still on his laptop and his soft faces that he had made Alex loves him more.


"So? Wedding plans. How long do you guys think you're gonna get engaged?" Oscar finally asked them as they both had dinner in one of the famous rooftop restaurant thanks to Henry considering his treat to Alex's parents while they are in town. Henry turned to face Alex by his side and he stares back, "I don't know about you but we barely had time to talk about it yet." Henry says and Alex nods, "I'm fine with anything, honestly if I could, I would just get us married in city hall and be done with it." Henry smiled widely at him before he leaned to kiss Alex on his lips. "That's what I had in mind." He says and Alex smiled kissing him on his lips again.

"Are you both crazy?" Ellen yells breaking them apart from their kisses, "You had one chance to do this and I'm gonna make sure you do it right." Ellen suggest and Alex groaned next to Henry, "Mum! This is our wedding and we planned it however we intended too okay. Don't get in the middle of it." He told her and she flicked her wrist at him. "Oh hush! It's not everyday your kid marrying a billionaire." She says and Henry snorted in laughter. "Mum!" Alex screamed back and Henry is enjoying this banter between Alex and Ellen and he surely misses every single bits of it. Oscar on the other hand tried to tell Ellen not to get overboard with her plan but she dismissed him too.

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