Part 34

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"Where the hell are you?" Nora yells over the speaker as Alex walked in to the party. It was held in one of the grand hall here in the west wing where they had banquets and events. He fixed the collar of his bow tie that's gripping on his neck and thinks it's choking him. "I'm here, by the entrance. Calm the fuck down would you?" He says and found Nora and Sophia at the entrance holding on to their glasses of champagne.

"What's the rush? No one is expecting me anyway. I thought we're gonna ditch the party and went clubbing?" He says grabbing Nora's champagne glass and gulped it in one sip. "I heard that our guest of honor is handsome as hell. From Zurich or something." She says and Alex rolled his eyes at them lurking around straining their neck over the stage before them to see the person who donated that much of money.

"Hmm, rich and handsome, hope he's not gay though." Alex says grabbing another glass of champagne that was rolled around the crowd on the tray. "Well too bad if he is, you're taken." Sophia said and nudge him by his elbow and Alex froze and stared at the glass in his hand. "Alex?" Nora called seeing him not responding to that statement. "I don't know about me and Gideon. I don't see us the way I see-" he stopped himself and took another sips before Nora grabbed the glass from his hand.

"Look, enough about him okay. He's gone. Five years is enough moping Alex. If he still loves you, IF he is still alive, he would make an entrance in your life years ago. So stop this and give Gideon a chance would you?!" Nora barks at him and he sighed agreeing with her.

"Well I hope this guys has a squint eyes, half blind or deaf and shorter than both of you." He raised his glass at them and they both glared at him. He smiled taking another sip of his champagne and a sudden voice heard from behind him that made his heart dropped in the pit of his stomach. He almost choked on the champagne but managed to swallow it after.

"I surely hope not love, or I won't be able to steal you away for the night." Three of them stopped gripping on the glass in their hands imagining the person with that exact same voice from behind them and they both turned at the same time except for Alex and he could hear them both gasped holding their palm over their lips. Alex heard them both gasped and their mouth gaped apart with their hand over their mouth with eyes widen to the sight in front of them.

That voice, the voice Alex had craved over five years not knowing he would be able to hear him again and now suddenly it appears and years of memories flashed back into Alex's mind.

He turned around and his eyes landed on the tall figure that almost as the same height as he is. Oh God. He whispered staring at the most handsome version of Henry right before him. His face isn't as pale as he does before, his lips are pink and moist not the usual dry and cracking like he used to have, gosh he wanted to kiss that lips so bad. His hair is slicked to the side with a perfect amount of hair gel and his eyes, something different about Henry's eyes. Almost as if he was a different person. He had to admit, he is a different Henry than he was before.

"Hello Alexander." He called and Alex had his jaw fell apart unable to grasp the fact that Henry stood before him and he can feel his tears starts pooling over his eyes making his vision blurred. He had imagined this reunion in his head for the past five years since Henry left but nothing would explained or prepared how he felt right now. The grip on his glasses loosen and it fell on the floor shattering it to pieces making Alex suddenly awoke of the situation in front of him.

The staffs came by his legs to clean up the broken pieces of the champagne glass and Alex apologized at them for his accidental break. He turned his gaze around and tried to find an air to breathe and Henry noticed his breathing had quickened, "What the fuck?" He mutters and Henry can see he is swallowing his throat trying to look anywhere else but at him.

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