Part 22

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As soon as they reached home, Henry already fallen asleep in the car ride and Alex couldn't have a heart to wake him up. Seeing him leaning against the window with his pale and weak face made Alex wonder the first time he felt love for this man. The way Henry smiles, his eyes brightens when he's looking at Alex and his lips curves when Alex kisses him.

His eyes travels down on Henry's shirt and the way it moves when he breathes, there's always pleasure seeing it knowing he is there breathing and alive. But when Alex eyes landed on his bandage wrist up to his forearm, his heart sunken deep into his stomach. His heart ache for him every time Henry is hurt or in pain or even in sadness.

He didn't realized he was staring at him for a while when his father tapped on the window next to him and startled him from his mind. It woke Henry up to when he saw him move next to him rubbing his eyelid with his finger.

"Why didn't you wake me? How long have we arrived?" He asks and Alex could hear the pain in his throat. "We just did, I was about to wake you." He said softly and Henry smiled weakly at him. He opened the car door the same time as Alex and Alex went to Henry's side immediately after he grabbed his bag from the hood.

Henry took the step on the stairs into Alex's home followed by Alex behind him two feet away from him when he noticed Henry stops and his body swayed back and forth. "Hen?" He asks and noticed Henry barely could take another step forward.

"Hey, hey I got you." Alex went to his side and grabbed Henry's arm to place them around Alex's shoulder and he looked to his side with his face pale like a ghost. "I'm sorry, I got dizzy all of sudden." He said and Alex could hear him slurred when he speaks. "It's okay, come on." Alex helped him inside and the moment Ellen and Oscar saw Alex holding Henry by his side with his other hand carrying Henry's bag, they got worried.

"Here let me help you with that." Oscar took the bag away from Alex's hand and Alex grabbed Henry by his waist and helped him towards the couch. He laid Henry on his back and saw how tired he got by just getting inside the house. "Is he gonna be alright?" Ellen asks sitting by Henry's leg and Alex nodded. "Can you get him some water mum?" Ellen rushed to the kitchen to get Henry some water and Alex sat by his side, brushing Henry's hair from his forehead.

"What happened?" Henry turned to his side and felt Alex stroke his hand with his finger, "My guess you lost too much blood and haven't replaced it just yet." He says and Henry gulped his throat in dryness, "I'm sorry." Henry said gripping Alex's hand tight in his. "Stop saying that baby. It's not your fault." Ellen came by Henry side behind the couch and handed him the glass of water.

Henry sat up with the help of Alex and he took a sip before he laid down back on the couch. "You're telling me that the hospital did nothing for him for the past 24 hours?" Ellen asks but Alex didn't exactly answered her but they both saw Henry fell asleep immediately after and Alex pulled his parents to talk in the kitchen far from him.

"Jesus, all of that for nothing?" Oscar cursed and Alex sighed, "The only thing they did was give him fluids but I doubt they wasted their precious resources for Henry. Especially when they knew that Henry tried to kill himself." Alex continued and he could hear both of his parents sighed in disbelief. "We could sue them for this." Oscar suggested but Alex shook his head instead, "Henry won't want it."

He knows for the fact that after all the months he knows Henry, he would never let anyone else got hurt because of him only himself. If only people could see him for how kind his heart is and how brave he tried to be for the world. He wished Henry would be able to see it himself that he is better than anyone else in this world for Alex and he deserves more.

It was almost five in the evening when Henry finally woke up and he was clueless on where he was at the moment. He remembers coming home with Alex and his parents but he didn't exactly remember laid here on the couch. He raised himself rubbing his eyelid trying to find any single soul in this house.

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