Part 10

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A/N: Warning, sexual explicit content. 

Henry remembers the last time he and Alex shared a bed was when he was sick and Alex took care of him but this time, it was Alex's head that is troubled and Henry will do everything to help him, takes care of him like he did when Henry was in his position.

 It felt home, warm and pleasing to see Alex the moment he flicked his eyes opened. The moment he is in right now, he wished he could draw a picture or took a photo so it last forever in his memories. Alex snuggled into his neck with his arm wrapped around Henry's scaring torso. His tanned colored skin mixed with Henry's pale white became his new favorite thing to see.

Henry could feel his warm breath fanning over his neck and jaw as Henry counted Alex's breath and he inhaled and exhaled together following the rhythm except he didn't want to miss it. Every beats, every breath had become a song for Henry to sync. He didn't want to forget this, it was too important and too precious for Henry to remember that one day, all of these would disappeared right between his arm.

The more the thought of his fear the more tighter he wrapped his arm around Alex and he accidentally stirred in his sleep. Henry could feel Alex sunken deeper into his neck and pressed his cheek more into his shoulder. He could hear him hummed and his fingers starts to trail Henry's skin. Alex is awake but he didn't exactly move or say anything.

"What are you thinking so hard?" Henry heard Alex whispered into his ear and he let their fingers found each other over Henry's chest. "Am I allowed to be this happy?" Henry said still had his gaze towards Alex's bedroom window that leads to the balcony. He could see it windy outside even though they are higher up. It's getting colder soon, Henry thought and it will be snow heavily this year as they expected.

Alex leaned and kissed Henry on his cheek before turning his face to look at him. "You are." He whispered and their faces literally less than an inch away, their nose tips brushes against each other. "Nothing last in this world forever Alex, all of these would disappeared too." Henry whispered and Alex could hear his voice breaks in fear.

Alex raised himself and plopped on his elbow as he cupped Henry's cheek with his warm palm. Henry exhaled in his touch and Alex saw how his eyes are closed tight when their skin collides. Alex leaned his lips and pressed on Henry's and it send shivers running down his skin. Henry opened his eyes to meet Alex's brown one and he was lost in his long eyelashes batting right in front of him. One of the thing that made Henry loves Alex since the moment they met was how long his eyelashes were.

"It won't disappear, I'm not going anywhere. I promised." Alex says and Henry nods before he pulls Alex for another kiss. Somehow they both let their kiss deepened and Henry could feel Alex has become more in to the kiss and he let his mouth opened to let Alex's tongue entered.

Henry's found pleasure when his fingers run through Alex's curly dark hair and when he pulls them in between his finger, he could feel Alex's groaned in pleasure. "Fuck." Alex mutters under his breath and leaned his forehead against Henry's. "What?" Henry asks and he didn't stop there, he kisses his jaw and run his tongue over Alex's neck.

Alex palmed Henry's chest and felt his member had grew tighter in his pants and he noticed both of them still in their yesterday's clothes. Alex with his scrubs and Henry still in his office wear. Luckily today was Saturday and Henry didn't have to go to the office with Nora cause Nora won't open on Saturday. For Alex today is his day off after four days working on day shift which is why Henry barely sees him.

"Alex?" Henry called still waiting for him to say something but Alex just kept staring at Henry's clothes and his mind wanders to his parents unexpected visit yesterday.

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