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☆ 5. Chapter 4: Lu Luo's Family

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Chapter 4 Lu Luo's family

waited for the two to come to Lu Luo's house, and Aunt Lu, who was sitting in the courtyard, saw the two and immediately got up and walked over.

"Ah Luo, Xiao Ci, you are back. As he spoke, he stepped forward and took the things in the hands of the two of them.

It was the first time Lin Xingci had seen Lu Luo's family by himself, and he was a little nervous for a while, and the sickle he was holding didn't let go in time: "Aunt Lu is good." "

Aunt Lu is an authentic peasant woman, her face looks very honest and honest, and her physique is not bad.

"Come on in, just wait for the two of you. After Aunt Lu put the two of them's farm tools in the corner, she led the two inside.

The Lu family's house is actually similar to Lin Xingci's house, the only difference is that there is no problem with the house here, and the problem will be repaired in time.

His house was not so lucky, without the presence of elders, there were already many places in disrepair, bad and rotten.

After entering, Lin Xingci saw two men, an old man and a young man, sitting at the wooden table, and the older one should be Lu Luo's father.

As for the young man, Lin Xingci didn't have any memory and didn't know who it was.

However, Lin Xingci's expression was abnormally normal, and it didn't let the people here notice anything wrong.

It was Lu Luo, as soon as he came in, he was like a husky who had let go, and immediately went to the table, sat down and looked at the green light of the vegetables on the table: "Wow, A-Niang, did you eat so heartily today!"

When Aunt Lu heard her son's exclamation, she also laughed and raised her hand to pat

Lu Luo's hand that wanted to reach out to the bowl: "Take Xiao Ci to wash your hands, otherwise I will give all the meat to your brother to eat."

"Okay. Lu Luo pursed his lips, his eyes did not leave the pottery bowl on the table, and his eyes could be drawn.

Lin Xingci looked at Lu Luo's relationship with his mother, lowered his head and laughed quietly.

Lu Luo took Lin Xingqi to the courtyard, scooped a scoop of water from the water tank and poured it into a large wooden basin in the courtyard: "Ah Ci come and wash your hands, and you will go to eat soon!"

Lin Xing nodded slightly: "Okay." In

fact, Lin Xingci still wanted to ask who that young man was, in his memory, Lu Luo seemed to have only one brother, when did he have another one?

"Lu Luo, who is the other person at the table. Lin Xingci thought for a while and asked, Lu Luo's mind was very simple, Lin Xingci felt that Lu Luo should not think so much.

Sure enough, Lu Luo's performance was similar to what Lin Xingci thought, and he replied while rubbing his hands: "Brother He is the son of my sister's sister, and he was sent over a few years ago. "

Why did you send it here? Lin Xingci was a little puzzled, why did his son send him to someone else's house.

"Because my aunt's family can't afford it. "Lu Luozhi also thinks something, there is one more person in the family and one more laborer, in the past few years that Brother Zhaohe was sent, the family has indeed been a lot easier, and although this cheap brother has few words, he is very diligent in his work.

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