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☆ 32. Chapter 31: Descending the Mountain and Returning Home

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Chapter 31 The person who was leaning on his shoulder when he went home

from the mountain suddenly moved, then slowly opened his eyes, picked up his head from Xie Tingyuan's shoulder, and moved his neck, he felt that he could hear the rattling of bones.

"Shhh Lin Xingci raised his hand and rubbed his neck, and looked sideways at the person who had been leaned on by him all night.

Xie Tingyuan also woke up when Lin Xingci raised his head, but he was leaned on his shoulder all night, and he felt that the blood in his arm was a little unsmooth.

"Is your arm alright? Lin Xing asked, and at the same time spit on himself a little, why did he lean on someone's shoulder, and sleep all night like this.

Xie Tingyuan moved his arm and shook his head: "It's okay."

Lin Xingci also breathed a sigh of relief when he was sure that Xie Tingyuan was not lying, fortunately this hand was not injured, otherwise his sin would be great.

The two sat on the stone bed for a while, and then got out of the bed one after the other.

Lin Xingci's leg was injured, and he walked slower than Xie Tingyuan.

"What are you looking at. Lin Xingci came to Xie Tingyuan's side and asked, the rain had stopped overnight, and the air around him smelled of earth, which was not annoying but not particularly good.

Xie Tingyuan slightly turned his head to look at Lin Xingci, who was a little shorter than himself, and pointed out the direction to him: "Look at that."

Lin Xingci looked in the direction pointed by Xie Tingyuan, and there was actually a road in the dense woods, but there was no such road yesterday.

"It is! Lin Xingci was a little excited, does that mean they can go out!

"We might be able to get out. Xie Tingyuan was not as excited as Lin Xingci, and he was still a little reluctant in his heart.

Lin Xing got Xie Tingyuan's Huada, and the whole person became excited, and he forgot that his leg was still injured, and he wanted to go out when he sold his steps, and then he almost threw himself forward with a pain in his leg.

Lin Xingci didn't have time to save himself, so he could only close his eyes and wait for a close contact with the ground.

After waiting for a long time and the imaginary pain did not appear, Lin Xingci opened his eyes and found that he was being held by Xie Tingyuan's waist, so as to prevent him from falling into a dog eating.

"It's okay. Xie Tingyuan lowered his eyes and looked at Lin Xing, who was distracted in the quilt, and asked.

Lin Xing regained his senses and immediately left Xie Tingyuan's arm, a little embarrassed: "Thank you, it's okay."

Xie Tingyuan nodded: "That's good." The

two stood at the entrance of the cave for a while, Lin Xingci was confused, didn't they go out?

"Let's go? In the end, it was Lin Xingci who broke such a strange atmosphere.

"Let's go. Xie Tingyuan nodded, simply tidied up the ill-fitting clothes, and wrapped his uninjured arm around Lin Xingci.

Lin Xingci was directly stunned in place, blinking incomprehensibly.

"You've got a leg injury, I'll help you walk better. Xie Tingyuan explained.

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