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☆ 161. Chapter 98: Rogues

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Chapter 98 The next day of the hooligan

, Lin Xingci woke up from his sleep, his eyes were blank and staring at the □□ in front of him who was blocking his vision, and he came back to his senses after watching for a long time, and he also noticed that he was different from when he usually woke up.

Usually although he would put his hands and feet on Xie Tingyuan's body when he was asleep, Xie Tingyuan would basically only maintain a flat lying position, the same as a sleeping position like wood, and rarely appeared in other postures except in special circumstances. But Xie Tingyuan's sleeping position today is obviously different from any previous time.

His hands and feet were still on Xie Tingyuan's body, and at the same time, Xie Tingyuan held him in his arms, and his messy legs were also clamped by Xie Tingyuan's strong legs, and Lin Xingci could feel the muscles on Xie Tingyuan's legs.

Now the weather is already hot, no matter how Lin Xingci designs, it is still cool to lie down and fall asleep alone in the house, but the two of them hugged each other like him and Xie Tingyuan, and Xie Tingyuan's body temperature was also transmitted to Lin Xingci, and after a while, Lin Xingci felt that he and himself were warm.

Originally, Lin Xingci saw that Xie Tingyuan hadn't woken up yet, so he planned to wait a little longer, and wait until he woke up, the temperature in the morning was not particularly uncomfortable, and it was still acceptable to endure it.

In addition, looking at Xie Tingyuan's handsome face, Lin Xingci felt that it was quite pleasing to the eye, and it was not a big problem for him to hold and lie down again.

However, time was passing little by little, but Xie Tingyuan didn't seem to wake up at all, and many beads of sweat of different sizes appeared on Lin Xingci's forehead.

Lin Xingci felt that the breath he exhaled was unusually hot, and he wanted to pour some warm water to wash it, but Xie Tingyuan didn't wake up, so he suppressed this idea.

Lin Xingci adjusted his breathing while calming his heart that was beating wildly because of the heat, after all, his heart was calm and naturally cool, and it might be more comfortable to be calm.

In the perspective that Lin Xingci couldn't see, Xie Tingyuan, who was supposed to be asleep, opened his eyes, and his good-looking eyes were full of thick smiles.

It's so cute.

Xie Tingyuan originally planned to let Lin Xingci go after holding him for a while, but there were always some things that happened uncontrollably, such as his natural reaction after getting up.

Lin Xingci was adjusting his hot heart in one breath after another, and was halfway through his breathing, when suddenly there was a strange touch on his waist. Lin Xingci was stunned for only a second before he reacted to what it was, after all, how could he not know as a man.

However, he clearly remembered that he had slept with Xie Tingyuan on the same bed and a quilt for so long, and he rarely reacted before, and the only few times he held him later, could it be that he was at that time.... Lin Xingci squinted slightly, okay, Xie Tingyuan actually started to have an idea so early!

Thinking that Lin Xingci looked up and looked up, Xie Tingyuan, who was looking at Lin Xingci with his eyes down, didn't have time to retract his gaze for a while, closed his eyes, and the smile and doting in his eyes did not disappear, and the eyes of the two met like this.

At the moment of looking at each other, Lin Xingci reacted almost instantly, Xie Tingyuan was pretending to be asleep!

Xie Tingyuan saw that he had been discovered, so he stopped pretending, and the corners of his mouth hooked: "Wake up." The

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