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☆ 187. Chapter 111: I'll Go with You

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Chapter 111: I go with you to

the sun and the moon, time passes.

Time passed gradually, and the rice planted by Lin Xingci had already matured, and it grew better than anyone in the village, more and more gratifying.

The golden ears of rice bent the rice, and the people who passed by Lin Xingci's field were envious to death, if they grew so well, the yield must be very large, and there would be a surplus after paying taxes at that time.

Especially the people on the side, they all moved to grab a rice ear of Lin Xingci and use it as a seed, maybe they will be able to plant as much as Lin Xingci next year.

It's a pity that these people can only think in their heads, they won't do such a thing. Anyway, Lin Xingci is still thinking about the people in the village, after the county opened a store, he still collects vegetables in the village, and every household can go to the village chief as long as they have more or are willing to sell.

The people of Heliu Village have indirectly or directly reaped the benefits brought by Lin Xingci, so it is even more impossible to do such a thing, even if someone does not know how to do such a thing, they don't need Lin Xingci to do it, and the people in the village will bring people over.

While accepting a favor, maybe you can let your own daughter/son fall into Lin Xingci's eyes, as long as Lin Xingci takes a fancy to her, you don't have to worry about the rest of your life.

Everyone is waiting for a bird, but unfortunately the bird in the village is gone, so they can only fantasize in their hearts.

Lin Xing saw that the time was about the same, so he called someone to help cut the rice in his field. Originally, Lin Xingci wanted to find a few workers to do it, but Uncle Lu and Aunt Lu stopped him, saying that they didn't need to find someone to help, just tell him that they were planted like this.

After listening, Lin Xingci patted his head and looked at Uncle Lu: "If you want to know, you can ask Lu Luo, he was there last time I planted, and he knows the detailed steps, if there is anything you don't know, you can ask me."


Lu scratched his head, seeing that Lin Xingci didn't play cards according to common sense, he didn't know what to do. Aunt Lu still couldn't stand it, so she patted her partner's head with hatred, looked at Lin Xingci and laughed: "Your uncle is so problematic, and others are so obsessed with his affairs."

Lin Xingci was curious: "What's the matter?"

Aunt Lu teased Uncle Lu and pulled her hand: "It's not because I saw the millet you planted so that I asked him to ask how it was planted, I said

Lu Dezhu, you are fat, what kind of strength do you pull me!"

Uncle Lu was yelled at by Aunt

Lu and put down his hand weakly.

"If you have the strength to pull me, you might as well think about how to reject your ill-intentioned brothers. "Aunt Lu has a silver hairpin on her head, and it is estimated that Brother Zhao and Lu Luo bought it for Auntie together.

Because the lives of Uncle and Aunt Lu have improved at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, relatives who had nothing to do with them suddenly appeared. At first, Aunt Lu was still very happy, and if there were more relatives, it would be good to help if something happened later.

✓ After wearing it as cannon fodder in the farming textWhere stories live. Discover now