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☆ 197. Chapter 116: He Shouldn't Have Been Brought Here

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Chapter 116 It was getting late when he shouldn't have been brought here

, and every house in Yanjing hung lanterns, and it was a brightly lit scene.

The snow didn't stop, it was falling piece by piece, and even if it didn't stop, it didn't stop me from wanting to go out and visit the lantern festival.

Lin Xingci and Xie Tingyuan had dinner, and the two of them spread out their cloaks and prepared to go out.

Xie Tingyuan's cloak is still the Xuanhu cloak that Lin Xingci bought for him in Shuiyun County, and Lin Xingci's cloak is a white fox cloak given to him by Xie Tingyuan, a white fox cloak from beginning to end.

Lin Xingci was very satisfied with the dress of himself and Xie Tingyuan, so at a glance, he knew that he and Xie Tingyuan were a couple, and if he wanted to come up and talk, he had to think about it.

Xie Tingyuan carefully helped Lin Xingci arrange the neckline of the white fox cloak: "Do you need to prepare a hand stove?"

Lin Xingci shook his head: "It won't be cold, if it's cold, you can help me cover it?"

Lin Xing raised his eyebrows mischievously, and Xie Tingyuan smiled dotingly: "Okay." The

fluff on Lin Xingci's neckline is very long, as long as he shrinks his chin, he can bury half of his face in the fluff, so Lin Xingci is as delicate as a doll, for fear that it will be broken by a touch.

Xie Tingyuan suddenly regretted his decision a little, he wanted to hide Lin Xingci from others, and many people would see Lin Xingci like this when he went to the Lantern Festival today, so... Xie Tingyuan's expression darkened.

Lin Xingci moved his neck, and the soft fluff brushed his neck: "Don't you go out?" It's not that the lantern festival is about to start.

Xie Tingyuan was pulled back by Lin Xingci's clear and transparent voice, and his thoughts drifted to a dark corner, and his eyes met Lin Xingci's: "Let's go." "

He can't do that.

Lin Xingci immediately laughed happily, and naturally stretched out his hand from the cloak to take Xie Tingyuan's hand: "Let's go!" I haven't seen a lantern festival yet!

"Haven't seen it? Xie Tingyuan was pulled out by Lin Xingci, and asked as he walked.

Lin Xingci nodded honestly: "Yes, I've heard of it, I'm still quite curious, what the lantern festival is like." Xie Tingyuan seemed to think of Lin Xingci's

experience from childhood to adulthood, and held Lin Xingci's hand with his backhand: "I will take you to see all festival gatherings in the future."

Hearing Xie Tingyuan say this, Lin Xingci felt happy in his heart: "Okay, you can't regret it." "

No, it won't. Holding Lin Xingci's hand, the two walked outside.

Today, Lin Xingci and Xie Tingyuan didn't let Bifeng and Feiquan follow, and today they want to live in a two-person world.

By the time Lin Xingci came to the Lantern Festival, there were already a lot of people here, both men and women, and there were unusually many vendors selling things on both sides of the street.

The men on the street and the men were in pairs of threes, but there were not many with small servants. The woman brought her maid, and the one who had a better relationship was holding each other's arms, covering her mouth with a handkerchief and not knowing what they were talking about.

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