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☆ 15. Chapter 14: The End and the Trip to the County

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Chapter 14 Ending and going to the county Lin

Xingci was immune to these sights, looked at He Hua and said, "Auntie is reluctant to eat, then she must be willing to pay, just give me no more than five hundred wen."

"You're dreaming! Why don't you grab five hundred wen! He Hua struggled and was about to stand up and rush to Lin Xingci.

The people around him also felt that Lin Xingci was too much, and the five hundred yuan was enough to buy how many catties of white rice flour, but they also talked about it in their hearts.

"Unwilling to give food, unwilling to give money, Aunt He, are you trying to slander me in vain? Lin Xingci said: "Do you know how long it will take for me to clarify when you touch your lips, and the cheapest in the world is your family?" "

Bah! He Hua's chest rose and fell as if she had been cheered, and she wanted to spit on Lin Xingci.

If Xie Tingyuan hadn't found out in time, he grabbed Lin Xingci and pulled him back, maybe he would have been glued.

"Are you alright? Xie Tingyuan looked at it carefully and asked again.

Lin Xingci shook his head: "It's okay, fortunately, you pulled me back in time."

After talking

to Xie Tingyuan, Lin Xingci's patience was also exhausted by He Hua: "Village Chief, the two solutions of Dadu have been said, but I don't think He Dashen wants to appreciate it."

"Appreciation? You motherless rabbit cub..."He Hua just wanted to open her mouth to scold, but Aunt Lu couldn't stand it and directly stepped forward and slapped He Hua.

The crisp voice made everyone present stunned, He Hua covered her face and looked at her aunt, and was stunned for a while, and quickly reacted and struggled to step forward: "Okay, you Lu family, you actually beat me, see if I don't fight with you!"

He Hua broke away too suddenly, and she was about to hit Aunt Lu's body, but suddenly she didn't know what she was hit, and she fell directly to the ground.

"Looks like you're thinking this solution is too friendly. Lin Xingci looked at He Hua coldly, and He Hua, who was sitting on the ground, couldn't hold back a word for a long time.

Lin Xingci snorted coldly and turned his head to look at the village chief sitting on the side: "Uncle Village Chief, I have changed my mind." The

village chief nodded, and he also saw what He Hua did, and he was not surprised that Lin Xingci paid attention to it: "Say it." "

Apologize for compensation, if not, I don't mind looking for the chief. Lin Xingci waited for no one to react and continued: "The compensation is one or two pieces of silver, give me a month's food, and apologize in front of everyone."

"Lin family boy, don't go too far! Qian Tianshi opened his mouth and shouted at Lin Xing.

"Excessive? This is excessive, why didn't you go too far when your daughter-in-law brought someone to slander me. Lin Xingci said with a cold face: "And I just put forward the solution I want normally, and I don't want us to go and talk to the chief." "

You! Qian Tianshiqi's face and neck were red.

"The Lin family boy..."The village chief spoke, and just as he wanted to say something, he was directly interrupted by Lin Xingci.

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