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☆ 89. Chapter 62: The New House is Completed

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Chapter 62 The new house is completed

Aunt Lu was so happy when she heard it, she directly forgot about Lu Dezhu who was lying on the bed, and took Lin Xingci and Xie Tingyuan to see the new house that was being prepared.

Lin Xingci thought he was going to Zhao He's old room, but when he went in, he found that it was a new house, and hurriedly shook his head: "Auntie, this is Brother Zhao's new house, and we don't live very well."


Lu waved her hand: "There is no family matter, how can it be regarded as a new house, it is an ordinary room."

"But..."Lin Xingci saw that every piece of furniture around him was carefully placed, and he was even more embarrassed.

Xie Tingyuan didn't particularly want to quit other people's marriage rooms with Lin Xing, so he felt weirdly uncomfortable in his heart.

"Auntie, even if you don't have any relatives, this room is specially arranged by you for Zhao He, and it is not suitable for the two of us to live in. Xie Tingyuan said: "It didn't work out this time, it must be okay next time, it's not particularly good to be known by the woman."


Lu looked at Xie Tingyuan and was a little hesitant.

Lin Xingci saw that Aunt Lu was relieved, and he was happy in his heart: "Auntie, you see that this house was originally prepared for Brother Zhao, and now it is no big deal to let him live in it, just go to the room before Brother Zhao."


Lu hesitated: "This, how can I let you live...""What's wrong, it's just a room to sleep in, we don't care." Lin Xingci hurriedly spoke to himself, and at the same time bumped Xie Tingyuan with his elbow and asked him to talk too.

Every time Xie Tingyuan speaks, he can accurately grasp the thoughts in other people's hearts, and this ability is simply not too easy to use.

The final result was that Aunt Lu was moved, turned around and went to Zhao He's room to pull people up and start moving things.

Zhao He, who was resting on the bed, was pulled up, and he didn't react a little, but he still honestly put on his clothes and hugged his futon and walked out.

When he came out and saw Lin Xingci and the two of them standing in the courtyard, he immediately understood.

Since the two of them just lived in it, why did they shout at him too.

"I'll talk to them later, and now move your things to this room. Aunt Lu thought that Zhao He wanted to talk to Lin Xingci and the two of them, so she opened her mouth to say something.

Zhao He didn't say anything, and went to the house with his quilt.

The wardrobe, table, dresser and so on in this room have been prepared, just waiting for the girl to get married, but unfortunately there is no fate.

After Zhao He put down his things, he also understood the meaning of the two people outside the house, this room was for him to marry, even if he didn't marry now, it was not easy for them to come in, so only the owner of the room originally belonged to live.

When Lin Xingci vacated the bed for Zhao He, he put the futon of himself and Xie Tingyuan on it, and then went together to help Zhao He move things.

Fortunately, Zhaohe's things are not, there are a lot of them, and a few people have basically moved them after four or five times.

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