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☆ 125. Chapter 80: I seem to have forgotten something

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Chapter 80 It seems that I have forgotten something

, and as soon as I arrived in the kitchen, I heard Xie Tingyuan's voice.

"I saw people. Xie Tingyuan put down the pot and spoon in his hand and looked back at Lin Xingci who came in.

Lin Xingci nodded: "I saw it." "How's


"It's just that there are two people who don't look like brothers.

Xie Tingyuan was surprised, but he didn't expect Lin Xingci to see that the two of them were not like brothers: "Why do you say that."

Lin Xingci stepped forward and took the pot and spoon in Xie Tingyuan's hand: "It looks like appearance and personality, but it is not excluded that one is like a mother and the other is like a father."

Xie Tingyuan shook his head.

Lin Xingci took the spoon and turned two spoons up from the ground and nodded: "The rice is ready, you go and take..." Lin Xingci thought for a while and continued: "The two brothers should call over."

Xie Tingyuan nodded: "Okay."

Lin Xingci took out four bowls from the cabinet: "The two of them should have gone to the grapevines, and I don't know how they would know that they could sit and rest there." The

last sentence Lin Xingci just sighed casually, who would have thought that the speaker had no intention and the listener had a heart, Xie Tingyuan squinted slightly, and it seemed that he wanted to talk to these two people.

Feiquan Bifeng, who was under the grapevines in the courtyard, suddenly sneezed together, rubbed their noses together, and didn't take it to heart.

Bi Feng didn't sit on the swing, he knew that this swing was specially made by Xie Tingyuan to give Lin Xing a farewell, so he wouldn't be stupid.

"It's really comfortable here, and it's cool to sit here no matter how hot it is. Bifeng sighed.

Lin Xingci was afraid that the vines would not be enough to shade and cool, so he built a roof above the swing and the tables and chairs to shelter from the sun and rain, and the vines could still climb up, and at the same time, a lot of fruit trees he brought out of the space were planted on the side.

In winter, when the leaves of these vines fall and the leaves of the fruit trees fall, the sun can also shine in and you can bask here.

Feiquan nodded: "Well, it's very comfortable here." The

two of them were still feeling comfortable here, and Xie Tingyuan walked slowly towards the place where the two were sitting from the other end.

Bi Feng and Fei Quan were both sitting with their backs to the entrance, and Xie Tingyuan's footsteps were unusually light, so the two of them didn't hear it at all.

"Is it comfortable? Hearing the

familiar voice, Bi Feng and Fei Quan stiffened, subconsciously swallowed their saliva, and turned around stiffly.

When he saw that it was Xie Tingyuan, he immediately got up and wanted to kneel down to salute Xie Tingyuan.

Xie Tingyuan raised his hand to stop: "No, you don't need to salute here."

Bi Feng and Fei Quan looked at each other and nodded: "My subordinates understand."

Xie Tingyuan looked around and said quietly: "What do you think of here?"

✓ After wearing it as cannon fodder in the farming textWhere stories live. Discover now