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☆ 3. Chapter 2 Plans for the Future

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Chapter 2 Plans

for the future Lin Xingci came to the stream with a bunch of surprised, surprised, and incredulous eyes, and now there was no one at this point, and only half-grown children were playing by the stream.

The water in the creek is not deep, only up to the knees of these children, and the adults are estimated to only reach the calves, so the children are still very relieved to play here.

Lin Xingci turned a blind eye to these sights, lowered his eyes and slowly walked to the platform next to the creek step by step, put down the wooden basin and panted while pinching his hand.

This body was too weak and severely malnourished, and there was almost no meat on his body, and his wrists were so thin that Lin Xingci once doubted whether he could carry the wooden basin to the stream.

The children on the side of the stream looked at Lin Xingci curiously, but none of them came.

Lin Xingci glanced at them lightly, and they didn't pay attention to it, so he squatted down and went to do his own thing.

Lin Xingci, a little man, was really difficult to wash the quilt cover, the cotton cloth soaked in water was very heavy, and his hands were a little sore, so he couldn't wash the quilt cover out of its original color, looking at the quilt cover spread out in the water, Lin Xingci was embarrassed.

The child had already left the creek when Lin Xingci started washing the quilt cover, and he didn't know where to run.

Squatted aside and rested for a while, sighed in his heart, picked up a corner and pinched it little by little.

"Ah Ci!

Lin Xingci, who

had twisted half of the quilt, heard someone shouting to himself, raised his head and looked in the direction where the voice came from, and the person who ran over was very familiar, it was the person who ran away from his house in the morning.

The boy stopped opposite Lin Xingci and was shocked when he saw the things in his wooden basin: "Ah Ci, why did you come to wash the quilt cover." "

In fact, it is better to say that it is a very large cotton cloth, and the quilt cover of this era is to wrap the quilt with a large cloth to prevent sleeping dirty, and it will not be wrapped in cotton cloth in large households, and it will be replaced directly if it is dirty, and it will not feel distressed at all.

Farmers like Lin Xingci do this, and a good quilt costs 160 yuan, which is the cost of several months, so if you can save it, you can save it.

Lin Xingci rubbed his arm and replied, "It's a little dirty." "

The implication is that I'm going to wash him clean.

The boy scratched his head and nodded, then looked at Lin Xingci's thin arm and immediately rolled up his sleeves and put his hands: "Don't say it earlier, come, I'll help you twist it."

Lin Xingci didn't refuse, he still had to do what he could, and let him twist it himself, and these hands might be wasted.

"Thank you. Lin Xingci squinted and laughed, and a pair of willow eyes made the boy shake his eyes when he smiled.

The boy was a little embarrassed: "We're friends, you're welcome." The

two of them twisted it together, and it was quite fast, and it didn't take long for the cotton cloth to be wrung out.

✓ After wearing it as cannon fodder in the farming textWhere stories live. Discover now