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☆ 137. Chapter 86: Fang Zi Gives

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Chapter 86 Fang Zi gave Lin Xingci to prepare things the next day, leaving Bifeng's caretaker Feiquan to drive them to the county, Lin Xingci felt that Bifeng was like a chatterbox, even if someone came to

him and saw that he was not there, Bifeng could coax people back, even if no one would come to him now, but what if he was not sure?

Feiquan drove the carriage in the direction of the Lu family, and passed by a lot of villagers along the way, all of whom were envious of Lin Xingci.

Feiquan outside the carriage looked straight ahead with an expressionless face and drove the car, not caring about the eyes of the people around him, they just looked at it and didn't come forward.

When he came to the door of the Lu family, the Lu family was waiting at the door early in the morning for Lin Xing to resign, since he wanted to take someone else's carriage, of course it was not good for people to wait for him to clean up.

Lin Xingci opened the curtain of the carriage, and when he saw Lu Dezhu and Zhao He standing at the door, he said suspiciously: "Uncle, will you and Brother Zhao go?"

Lu Dezhu nodded: "That's right, your aunt and

Lu Luo stayed at home, I guess there will still be people coming to buy them, and it's not good to leave them all."

Lin Xingci nodded: "Then come up."

Lu Dezhu nodded and pulled Zhao He to climb up, and when he came up, he looked at Lin Xingci and Xie Tingyuan, who were sitting on the side, and thanked him: "Xiao Ci Tingyuan, you have come to pick us up."

Lin Xingci smiled and waved his hand: "What's polite."

Lu Dezhu smiled, and he was chatting with Lin Xingci about the store all the way, Xie Tingyuan's insight shocked

Lu Dezhu, but he didn't expect Xie Tingyuan to know so much.

Lin Xingci was also surprised, Xie Tingyuan said the truth, and he looked as sophisticated as a person who has been in business for decades.

Xie Tingyuan hooked his lips in a low-key manner: "It's just that it's a little more common, and I don't know if I can use it."

Lu Dezhu was happy and waved his hand indifferently: "It's good to know more, the experience of doing business and opening a shop is common everywhere, even if it is not good, you can share a few."

Lin Xingci also looked at Xie Tingyuan, pursed his lips and squinted, and the meaning expressed in his eyes was all the same, young man, you can hide it deep enough.

Xie Tingyuan hooked his lips and didn't say anything else, Lin Xingci stared at Xie Tingyuan for a while and didn't look at him, he would definitely be able to dig out why it was when the time came.

Fortunately, the speed of the carriage was much faster than that of the ox cart, and even if no one spoke in the second half of the road, it was not too embarrassing.

When he arrived in the county, Lin Xingci was going to deliver perfume to Huanniang's shop, so there was no way to follow Lu Dezhu and the others to see the shop.

After parking the car and tying it up to the place where Lin Xingci bought the carriage, the group went their separate ways.

On the way to Tianxiang Pavilion, Lin Xingci asked Xie Tingyuan curiously: "Is it okay to park here?"

Xie Tingyuan nodded: "Don't worry, it's okay to park here, this is a place dedicated to parking carriages, but unfortunately there are not many carriages in the county."

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