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☆ 61. Chapter 48: Promise?

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Chapter 48: Promise?

"Ah Ci, how are you going to grow rice when the ground is dry like this? Lu Luo asked, in his memory, there must be water to grow rice.

"Why not. Lin Xingci looked at Lu Luo: "I have to choose a small piece of seedlings to raise first, so it doesn't matter if I don't sleep elsewhere for the time being, as long as I plough it out."

Lu Luo felt that he could understand every word Lin Xingci said, but he didn't understand it a little when put together.

"You don't have seedlings? Lin Xing asked, and then looked at Lu Luo as if he had thought of something and asked, "How do you breed in general." "

Breeding? We just sprinkle it in and wait for it to sprout, and then pull out the bad ones and let them grow. Lu Luo explained to Lin Xingci carefully.

"That's how people here grow? After listening to what Lu Luo said, Lin Xingci knew a little bit about why the rice here didn't grow much.

Such casual sowing, even if it is carefully cared for later, is long and disorganized, some can get more good nutrition, and some are robbed and very stumbling.

Lu Luo looked at Lin Xingci with a strange look and nodded: "Yes, aren't they all like this."

Lin Xingci also knew that what he said was a bit too stupid, and as soon as he turned his head, he immediately gave himself a round statement: "In this case, I want to try a new method, but now the land is like this, so I can only plow the land first, and then release the water and try again." Hearing

Lin Xingci say this, Lu Luo's attention was also shifted to the field, the people in the village all relied on the ground to eat, and their feelings for the field were not ordinarily deep, even people of Lu Luo's age knew that the land was very important to them.

"I don't know what kind of garbage is doing such a thing. Lu Luo said indignantly.

Lin Xing hooked his lips: "Don't worry, I will let her know that she will pay the corresponding price for what she does." "

Ah Ci, do you know who it is? Lu Luo looked at Lin Xingci with starry eyes.

Lin Xingci nodded slowly: "There are already eight or nine points certain, now just wait for a deed level." As he

spoke, he glanced at Xie Tingyuan, and Xie Tingyuan nodded slightly.

Lu Luo didn't know what dumb riddles the two were playing, but Lu Luo, who was confident in both of them, was not blindly worried.

Even if the ground is not soaked through the ground with cows, it is still very fast, and the mud down is still a little wet, and in Lin Xingci's opinion, there is no problem at all.

Lin Xingci chose a place that was easier to take care of, and asked Lu Luo to help build a small ridge, he planned to raise seedlings here, and rice seedlings could be raised in dry land or paddy fields, but not too much water.

Although Lu Luo didn't know what Lin Xingci was using to divide a small piece of land, he still honestly divided it for him, and it wouldn't take him long to divide a small piece of land.

After that, Lin Xingci and Xie Tingyuan waited here until all the two acres of land were cultivated, and after putting water and walking again, the sky was almost dark and gray.

Smoke rose from the houses in the distance, and there were no more people in the fields.

Looking up at the sky, Lin Xingci invited the two fathers and sons of the Lu family to come to his house for dinner, but Lu Dezhu refused as soon as he said it.

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