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☆ 81. Chapter 58: Bad Premonition

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Chapter 58 Bad Premonition

Lin Xingci looked at things, then at Xie Tingyuan, and blinked his eyes: "This is a gift for me, the harvest is so rich?" "

Hmm. Xie Tingyuan nodded and hooked his lips slightly.

Uncle Li looked at the extra things on the ox cart, and then looked at the two people in his cart and said, "Sit tight, let's continue walking."

Lin Xingci stared at the hive in the car and shook his head, then sat down again and sat next to Xie Tingyuan.

Xie Tingyuan saw that Lin Xingci was still silent, so he asked, "What's wrong."

"I didn't expect that much, and I didn't seem to be doing anything big. Lin Xingci said.

Xie Tingyuan shook his head slightly, reached out and scooped Lin Xingci out of his hand, and let him lean on his shoulder: "What you have done is enough to change their lives now."

Lin Xingci pursed his lips: "Actually, I also have my own selfishness, that is, I want to have a stable source of beeswax."

Xie Tingyuan gently rubbed Lin Xingci's wrist and said, "If you make a profit, they will also make a profit, and what you get is not less than yours, don't think about it." "

Hmm. Lin Xingci nodded slightly, what Xie Tingyuan said was not wrong, if this matter was really solved, they would really not lack these things for themselves now in the future.

"Close your eyes and rest, and go back for a while. Xie Tingyuan said to Lin Xingci.

Lin Xingci looked at the gradually sinking sun, and the bumpy road leaned on Xie Tingyuan's shoulder and closed his eyes: "It's been a hard journey.

Xie Tingyuan hooked his lips and smiled: "You're welcome." "

Hmm...", nothing happened on the way back.

The ox cart shook and shook, Lin Xingci closed his eyes and leaned on Xie Tingyuan's shoulder, which was quite comfortable, smelling the faint cold wood fragrance on the tip of his nose, and fell asleep in a daze, but his face was still not very good-looking.

Xie Tingyuan lowered his eyes and looked at the bloodless face in his arms, and the idea of buying a carriage for Lin Xingci was even clearer.

The sun was setting from the sky, and the moon was gradually emerging in the dark night sky, and the darkness around them had been plunged.

Fortunately, there have always been lanterns prepared on Uncle Li's ox cart, otherwise it would be difficult to return it in a hurry.

Lin Xingci opened his eyes, and the pitch darkness relieved him for a while.

"It's dark, how long will it take. Lin Xingci came out of Xie Tingyuan's arms and asked.

Uncle Li looked back at the two of them: "It's fast, I guess I can walk through this road for another half an hour."

Lin Xingci nodded: "I've worked hard for you today, Uncle Li." "

Harm, I have nothing to work hard for, I don't know how easy it is to sit in an ox cart and drive you away. As he spoke, he raised his hand and patted the cow's buttocks: "If you want to say that it is hard or your husband's hard work, I have been holding you since I came out of Huadan Village, and I am constantly adjusting my posture to make you more comfortable."

Lin Xingci blinked, a little unresponsive.

Uncle Li continued: "I estimate that he has been holding you for an hour or two, so thank him if you want to."

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